Class TLcdOGCWMSCommandDispatcher

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDisposable, AutoCloseable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TLcdOGCWMSCommandDispatcher extends ALcdWMSCommandDispatcher
This command dispatcher implementation handles HTTP requests following the OpenGIS Web Map Server implementation specification.

The protocol versions supported are:

The implemented OpenGIS WMS REQUEST parameter values are :

  • GetCapabilities ; returns the capabilities of this servlet.
  • GetMap : returns a map. The map is specified by the other parameters of the request.
  • GetFeatureInfo (optional) : returns extra information about queryable elements of the map.

This command dispatcher also provides support for the OGC Styled Layer Descriptor specification, version 1.0.0. This specification can be found on

Next to the default requests (GetMap, GetFeatureInfo, GetCapabilities), this command dispatcher provides also support for the optional GetLegendGraphic and DescribeLayer requests.

The SLD support is enabled by configuring the property enableSldSupport. Enabling support for user defined styles is done through configuration of the property enableUserStyleSupport.

Overwrite the method handleUnknownCommand to extend the REQUEST command handling.

When a invalid request is received, a TLcdWMSServiceException is thrown and sends an XML report with the exception. as defined in the specifications.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdOGCWMSCommandDispatcher

      public TLcdOGCWMSCommandDispatcher()
      Default constructor.
    • TLcdOGCWMSCommandDispatcher

      public TLcdOGCWMSCommandDispatcher(TLcdDataModel[] aDataModels)
      Creates a new TLcdOGCWMSCommandDispatcher instance, configured with a list of TLcdDataModel instances. These data models are used for decoding XML data in requests.

      By default, the WMS XML request decoder is already configured with the data models required to parse regular WMS requests, with/without the use of SLD.

      However, when using inline features in an SLD WMS request (e.g., AIXM 5.1 features), it is necessary that the decoder also knows the data model(s) that describe this feature data. These data models can be supplied through this constructor.

      aDataModels - a list of data models to decode SLD inline feature data
  • Method Details

    • addGXYViewEncoder

      public void addGXYViewEncoder(ILcdGXYViewEncoder aGXYViewEncoder)
      Adds a ILcdGXYViewEncoder implementation for encoding views into a specific format, specified by their MIME-TYPE.

      Note that there can be only one encoder for a specific MIME-TYPE.

      Note that added implementations can be called for multiple simultaneous requests and thus should be thread safe!

      aGXYViewEncoder - the ILcdGXYViewEncoder implementation to add.
    • addWMSFeatureInfoEncoder

      public void addWMSFeatureInfoEncoder(ILcdWMSFeatureInfoRequestEncoder aWMSFeatureInfoEncoder)
      Adds a ILcdWMSFeatureInfoRequestEncoder implementation for encoding selection on views into a specific format, specified by their MIME-TYPE.

      Note that there can be only one encoder for a specific MIME-TYPE.

      It is important to note that added implementations can be called for multiple simultaneous requests and thus should be thread safe!

      Note that there is a similar interface to ILcdWMSFeatureInfoRequestEncoder, namely ILcdWMSGetFeatureInfoRequestEncoder, which is used for the same purpose but offers access to extra information related to the current request. The method addWMSGetFeatureInfoEncoder(ServletConfig) can be used to register implementations of this method. Registered objects of the type ILcdWMSGetFeatureInfoRequestEncoder will have precedence above the objects of the type ILcdWMSFeatureInfoRequestEncoder, if they have the same MIME type.

      aWMSFeatureInfoEncoder - the ILcdWMSFeatureInfoRequestEncoder implementation to add.
    • addWMSGetFeatureInfoEncoder

      public void addWMSGetFeatureInfoEncoder(ILcdWMSGetFeatureInfoRequestEncoder aWMSGetFeatureInfoEncoder)
      Adds a ILcdWMSGetFeatureInfoRequestEncoder implementation for encoding selection on views into a specific format, specified by their MIME-TYPE.

      Note that there can be only one encoder for a specific MIME-TYPE.

      It is important to note that added implementations can be called for multiple simultaneous requests and thus should be thread safe!

      Note that there is a similar interface to ILcdWMSGetFeatureInfoRequestEncoder, namely ILcdWMSFeatureInfoRequestEncoder, which is used for the same purpose but doesn't provide access to information related to the current request. This information can be useful while encoding GetFeatureInfo responses. Registered objects of the type ILcdWMSGetFeatureInfoRequestEncoder will have precedence above the objects of the type ILcdWMSFeatureInfoRequestEncoder, if they have the same MIME type.

      aWMSGetFeatureInfoEncoder - the ILcdWMSGetFeatureInfoRequestEncoder implementation to add.
    • getWMSOnlineResourceResolver

      public ILcdWMSOnlineResourceResolver getWMSOnlineResourceResolver()
      Returns the online resource resolver used to retrieve the paths (typically an URL) to online resources defined in WMS responses (e.g. in the capabilities).
      the online resource resolver used to retrieve the paths (typically an URL) to online resources defined in WMS responses (e.g. in the capabilities).
      See Also:
    • setWMSOnlineResourceResolver

      public void setWMSOnlineResourceResolver(ILcdWMSOnlineResourceResolver aWMSOnlineResourceResolver)
      Sets the online resource resolver used to retrieve the paths (typically an URL) to online resources defined in WMS responses (e.g. in the capabilities).
      aWMSOnlineResourceResolver - the online resource resolver used to retrieve the paths (typically an URL) to online resources defined in WMS responses (e.g. in the capabilities).
      See Also:
    • getWMSCapabilities

      public ALcdWMSCapabilities getWMSCapabilities()
      Please make use of ILcdWMSCapabilitiesProvider.
      Returns the most recent capabilities registered in this TLcdOGCWMSCommandDispatcher.

      If the WMS server is configured with a capabilities updater (see ILcdWMSCapabilitiesUpdater), it is preferred to use the method getWMSCapabilities(HttpServletRequest) while handling requests. This is to assure that there is only one capabilities configuration used for one request.

      the most recent capabilities registered in this TLcdOGCWMSCommandDispatcher.
      See Also:
    • getWMSCapabilities

      protected ALcdWMSCapabilities getWMSCapabilities(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aHttpServletRequest)
      Please make use of ILcdWMSCapabilitiesProvider.
      Returns the capabilities object depending on the request. If there isn't yet a capabilities object associated with the given request, the most recent will returned (see getWMSCapabilities(). All next invocations of this method with the same request will return the same capabilities, even if a more recent version has already been registered.
      aHttpServletRequest - the servlet request.
      a ALcdWMSCapabilities object depending on the request.
      See Also:
    • setWMSCapabilities

      public void setWMSCapabilities(ALcdWMSCapabilities aCapabilities)
      Sets the default capabilities of this WMS.
      aCapabilities - the default capabilities of this WMS.
      See Also:
    • setWMSCapabilitiesProvider

      public void setWMSCapabilitiesProvider(ILcdWMSCapabilitiesProvider aWMSCapabilitiesProvider)
      Sets the WMS capabilities provider. This WMS capabilities provider allows providing always up to date versions of the capabilities.

      There is no need to use a ILcdWMSCapabilitiesDecoder in conjunction with a ILcdWMSCapabilitiesUpdater anymore.

      aWMSCapabilitiesProvider - the WMS capabilities provider.
    • getWMSCapabilitiesProvider

      public ILcdWMSCapabilitiesProvider getWMSCapabilitiesProvider()
      Returns the WMS capabilities provider.
      the WMS capabilities provider.
    • getModelProvider

      public ILcdModelProvider getModelProvider()
      The ILcdModelProvider that is currently used by the command dispatcher.

      The command dispatcher uses this interface to obtain a model for a source, rather than directly using the model decoder factories or model decoders. An ILcdModelProvider therefore provides central access to all models: it typically holds a reference to the model decoder factories and uses them to decode the actual data. The main advantage of this centralized approach is that it allows implementations to define additional functionality, that is global for all model decoders. A typical example is a caching mechanism, to improve the performance.

      The default implementation maintains a cache for all decoded models. To prevent memory problems, it makes use of java.lang.ref.SoftReference objects, which are cleared at the discretion of the garbage collector in response to memory demand. Soft references are most often used to implement memory-sensitive caches.

      ILcdModelProvider to provide the model for a source.
      See Also:
    • setModelProvider

      public void setModelProvider(ILcdModelProvider aModelProvider)
      Sets a ILcdModelProvider to be used within the command dispatcher to obtain a model for a source.
      aModelProvider - the model provider implementation.
      See Also:
    • addWMSGXYLayerFactory

      public void addWMSGXYLayerFactory(ILcdWMSGXYLayerFactory aWMSGXYLayerFactory)
      Adds a ILcdWMSGXYLayerFactory to create a ILcdGXYLayer for a ALcdWMSLayer.

      Note that added implementations can be called for multiple simultaneous request and thus should be thread safe!

      aWMSGXYLayerFactory - a ILcdWMSGXYLayerFactory to create a ILcdGXYLayer for a ALcdWMSLayer.
    • getCompositeWMSGXYLayerFactory

      protected ILcdWMSGXYLayerFactory getCompositeWMSGXYLayerFactory()
      Returns a composite WMS layer factory, containing all the registered ILcdWMSGXYLayerFactory instances. When createGXYLayer(ILcdModel, ALcdWMSLayer, String) is invoked, it runs through all the registered layer factories until one is found that is capable of creating the layer.
      a composite WMS layer factory, containing all the registered ILcdWMSGXYLayerFactory instances.
    • addXYWorldReferenceParser

      public void addXYWorldReferenceParser(ILcdXYWorldReferenceParser aXYWorldReferenceParser)
      Adds a ILcdXYWorldReferenceParser to parse a ILcdXYWorldReference from a given text encoding.

      Note that added implementations can be called for multiple simultaneous request and thus should be thread safe!

      aXYWorldReferenceParser - parser for a ILcdXYWorldReference from a given text encoding.
    • parseXYWorldReference

      protected ILcdXYWorldReference parseXYWorldReference(String aXYWorldReferenceAsString)
      Converts the value of the text representation into a ILcdXYWorldReference using the ILcdXYWorldReferenceParser objects of this command dispatcher.
      aXYWorldReferenceAsString - the text representation of the coordinate system.
      the corresponding ILcdXYWorldReference, null if the ILcdXYWorldReference can not be created,
      See Also:
    • addSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory

      public void addSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory(ALcdSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory aSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory)
      Adds a ALcdSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory to create a ILcdGXYLayer for SLD layers.

      Note that added implementations can be called for multiple simultaneous request and thus should be thread safe!

      aSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory - a ALcdSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory to create a ILcdGXYLayer for SLD layers.
    • addWMSGetLegendGraphicEncoder

      public void addWMSGetLegendGraphicEncoder(ILcdWMSGetLegendGraphicRequestEncoder aWMSGetLegendGraphicEncoder)
      Adds a ILcdWMSGetLegendGraphicRequestEncoder implementation for encoding legend graphics into a specific format, specified by their MIME-TYPE.

      Note that there can be only one encoder for a specific MIME-TYPE.

      Note that added implementations can be called for multiple simultaneous requests and thus should be thread safe!

      aWMSGetLegendGraphicEncoder - the ILcdWMSGetLegendGraphicRequestEncoder implementation to add.
    • addWMSDescribeLayerEncoder

      public void addWMSDescribeLayerEncoder(ILcdWMSDescribeLayerRequestEncoder aWMSDescribeLayerEncoder)
      Adds a ILcdWMSDescribeLayerRequestEncoder implementation for creating and encoding describe layer responses into a specific format, specified by their MIME-TYPE.

      Note that there can be only one encoder for a specific MIME-TYPE.

      Note that added implementations can be called for multiple simultaneous requests and thus should be thread safe!

      aWMSDescribeLayerEncoder - the ILcdWMSDescribeLayerRequestEncoder implementation to add.
    • getCompositeSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory

      protected ALcdSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory getCompositeSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory()
      Returns a composite SLD WMS layer factory, containing all the registered ALcdSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory instances. It runs through all the registered layer factories until one is found that is capable of creating the layer.
      a composite SLD WMS layer factory, containing all the registered ALcdSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory instances.
    • getRemoteOWSModelProvider

      public ILcdRemoteOWSModelProvider getRemoteOWSModelProvider()
      The ILcdRemoteOWSModelProvider that is currently used by the command dispatcher.

      The command dispatcher uses this interface to obtain a model for a user-defined layer, rather than directly using the remote model decoder factories or model decoders. An ILcdRemoteOWSModelProvider therefore provides central access to all models: it typically holds a reference to the remote model decoder factories and uses them to decode the actual data. The main advantage of this centralized approach is that it allows implementations to define additional functionality, that is global for all remote model decoders. A typical example is a caching mechanism, to improve the performance.

      The default implementation does not maintain a cache.

      ILcdRemoteOWSModelProvider to provide the model for a user-defined layer.
      See Also:
    • setRemoteOWSModelProvider

      public void setRemoteOWSModelProvider(ILcdRemoteOWSModelProvider aRemoteOWSModelProvider)
      Sets a ILcdRemoteOWSModelProvider to be used within the command dispatcher to obtain a model for a user-defined layer.
      aRemoteOWSModelProvider - the model provider implementation.
      See Also:
    • getSLDFeatureTypeStyleProvider

      public ILcdWMSSLDFeatureTypeStyleProvider getSLDFeatureTypeStyleProvider()
      The ILcdSLDFeatureTypeStyleProvider that is currently used by the command dispatcher.

      The command dispatcher uses this interface to obtain the SLD feature type styles for a WMS layer if no feature type style is included in the request. An ILcdSLDFeatureTypeStyleProvider therefore provides central access to all sld feature type style information.

      ILcdSLDFeatureTypeStyleProvider to provide the SLD feature type styles.
      See Also:
    • setSLDFeatureTypeStyleProvider

      public void setSLDFeatureTypeStyleProvider(ILcdWMSSLDFeatureTypeStyleProvider aSLDFeatureTypeStyleProvider)
      Sets a ILcdSLDFeatureTypeStyleProvider to be used within the command dispatcher to obtain SLD feature type styles for a WMS layer if no feature type style is included in the request.
      aSLDFeatureTypeStyleProvider - the SLD feature type provider.
      See Also:
    • handleRequest

      public void handleRequest(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aRequest, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse aResponse) throws jakarta.servlet.ServletException
      Description copied from class: ALcdWMSCommandDispatcher
      This method receives a request and handles it.
      Specified by:
      handleRequest in class ALcdWMSCommandDispatcher
      aRequest - the received HttpServletRequest.
      aResponse - the HttpServletResponse to send the result to.
      jakarta.servlet.ServletException - for servlet errors.
    • handleWMSServiceException

      protected void handleWMSServiceException(TLcdWMSServiceException aWMSServiceException, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aHttpServletRequest, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse aHttpServletResponse) throws jakarta.servlet.ServletException
      This method handles what should be done in case a TLcdWMSServiceException had occurred.
      aWMSServiceException - the WMS Service Exception that has occurred.
      aHttpServletRequest - the original request.
      aHttpServletResponse - the response object to write to.
      jakarta.servlet.ServletException - if handling the exception leads to an exception too.
    • initialiseGXYView

      protected void initialiseGXYView(TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage aGXYViewSFCT, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aHttpServletRequest) throws TLcdWMSServiceException, jakarta.servlet.ServletException
      Initialise the view based on the parameter values of the request.
      aGXYViewSFCT - the TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage to be initialised.
      aHttpServletRequest - the HttpServletRequest containing the parameter values.
      TLcdWMSServiceException - when the request doesn't follow the WMS and/or SLD specifications.
      jakarta.servlet.ServletException - for servlet errors.
    • clearGXYView

      protected void clearGXYView(TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage aGXYView)
      Method called to clear the initialized view. Removes the layers from the view.
      aGXYView - the TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage to be cleared.
    • addGXYLayers

      protected void addGXYLayers(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aHttpServletRequest, String aLayerList, String aStyleList, TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage aGXYView) throws TLcdWMSServiceException, jakarta.servlet.ServletException
      Creates the layers from the list with the styles and add it to the view.
      aHttpServletRequest - the original servlet request for which this method is called.
      aLayerList - a comma separated list of layer names.
      aStyleList - a comma separate list of style ids.
      aGXYView - the TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage to add the layers to.
      IllegalArgumentException - when illegal arguments are passed.
      TLcdWMSServiceException - when the request doesn't follow the WMS specifications.
      jakarta.servlet.ServletException - for servlet errors.
    • addGXYLayers

      protected void addGXYLayers(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aHttpServletRequest, String[] aLayerList, String[] aStyleList, TLcdSLDStyledLayerDescriptor aStyledLayerDescriptor, TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage aGXYView) throws TLcdWMSServiceException, jakarta.servlet.ServletException
      Creates the necessary layers based on the specified layer list, style list and/or styled layer descriptor, and adds them to the view.

      The behavior of this method depends on whether a layer list and style list and/or a Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) is provided. There are three possibilities, following the SLD 1.0.0 specification:

      • A layer list and style list are provided, but no SLD: This conforms to the behavior of a WMS without SLD support. The specified named styles are used for the corresponding layers. Note that each of the styles in the style list can be null, indicating that the default style must be used. The implementation will delegate to addGXYLayers(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, String, String, com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage) in TLcdOGCWMSCommandDispatcher.
      • An SLD is provided, but no layer list and style list: All layers identified in the styled layer descriptor are rendered with all defined styles.
      • Both a layer list and style list are provided as well as an SLD: In this case, only the layers identified in the layer list are rendered and the SLD is used as a style library. The style list is interpreted in the usual way, except that the handling of the style names is organized so that the styles defined in the SLD take precedence over the named styles stored within the WMS. The user-defined SLD styles can be given names and they can be marked as being the default style for a layer. To be more specific, if a style named "CenterLine" is referenced for a layer and a style with that name is defined for the corresponding layer in the SLD, then the SLD style definition is used. Otherwise, the standard named-style mechanism built into the WMS is used. If the use of a default style is specified and a style is marked as being the default for the corresponding layer in the SLD, then the default style from the SLD is used; otherwise, the standard default style in the WMS is used.
      aHttpServletRequest - The original servlet request for which this method is called.
      aLayerList - An array of layer names. This argument can only be null if aStyleList is null and aStyledLayerDescriptor is not null.
      aStyleList - An array of style ids. This argument can only be null if aLayerList is null and aStyledLayerDescriptor is not null.
      aStyledLayerDescriptor - A Styled Layer Descriptor. This argument can only be null if aLayerList and aStyleList are not null.
      aGXYView - the TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage to add the layers to.
      IllegalArgumentException - when illegal arguments are passed.
      TLcdWMSServiceException - when the request doesn't follow the WMS specifications.
      jakarta.servlet.ServletException - for servlet errors.
    • loadGXYLayerArraySFCT

      protected void loadGXYLayerArraySFCT(ALcdWMSLayer[] aWmsLayers, String[] aStyles, TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage aGXYView, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aHttpServletRequest) throws IOException, jakarta.servlet.ServletException, TLcdWMSServiceException
      This method is subject to changes, and should therefore not be used!

      The current implementation takes the following steps:

      • for each ALcdWMSLayer, a model is retrieved via the getModel method of the model provider. Note that the default implementation of ILcdModelProvider uses model caching.
      • for each ILcdModel, a corresponding ILcdGXYLayer is created via the createGXYLayer method of the composite layer factory.
      • the label of each ILcdGXYLayer is set to the name of the corresponding ALcdWMSLayer instance, because this property is supposed to be unique.
      • the ILcdGXYLayer objects are added to the supplied TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage object.
    • exportGXYView

      protected void exportGXYView(TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage aGXYView, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aRequest, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse aResponse) throws TLcdWMSServiceException, jakarta.servlet.ServletException
      Encodes a given TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage to the format specified in the HttpServletRequest and sends the encoded result to the HttpServletResponse.
      aGXYView - the TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage to be exported.
      aRequest - the HttpServletRequest containing the format to export in.
      aResponse - the HttpServletResponse to write the result to.
      TLcdWMSServiceException - when the format value doesn't follow the WMS specifications.
      jakarta.servlet.ServletException - for general servlet errors.
    • exportFeatureInfo

      protected void exportFeatureInfo(TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage aGXYView, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aRequest, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse aResponse, ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList aSelectionSublist) throws TLcdWMSServiceException, jakarta.servlet.ServletException
      Encodes the given selection in the ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList from a given ILcdGXYView and sends it to the client.
      aGXYView - the TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage in which the elements are selected .
      aRequest - the received HttpServletRequest.
      aResponse - the HttpServletResponse to send the result to.
      aSelectionSublist - a ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList containing the selection to be encoded.
      TLcdWMSServiceException - when the format value doesn't follow the WMS specifications.
      jakarta.servlet.ServletException - for general servlet errors.
    • handleUnknownCommand

      protected void handleUnknownCommand(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aRequest, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse aResponse) throws TLcdWMSServiceException, jakarta.servlet.ServletException
      This method handles unknown request ( not GetFeatureInfo, GetCapabilities or capabilities, GetMap or map). The default implementation throws a TLcdWMSServiceException specifying an invalid request.
      aRequest - the HttpServletRequest containing the unknown request.
      aResponse - the HttpServletResponse to send the result to.
      TLcdWMSServiceException - when the request does not follow the WMS specifications.
      jakarta.servlet.ServletException - in case an exception can not be translated into a TLcdWMSServiceException.
    • performSelectionAt

      protected ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList performSelectionAt(int aX, int aY, int aFeatureCount, Vector aGXYLayerList, ILcdGXYView aGXYViewSFCT, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aHttpServletRequest)
      Performs a selection on the given view and set of layers, and returns the selected objects as a ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList. The selection is defined by a pixel position aX,aY.
      aX - the x value of the selection position on the view.
      aY - the y value of the selection position on the view.
      aFeatureCount - the maximum number of objects (features) to be selected.
      aGXYLayerList - a vector containing the ILcdGXYLayer objects being queried.
      aGXYViewSFCT - the map view for which the selection is requested.
      aHttpServletRequest - the original servlet request.
      a list of the layers having actually selected objects.
    • performSelectionInBounds

      protected ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList performSelectionInBounds(int aX, int aY, int aSelectionWidth, int aSelectionHeight, int aFeatureCount, Vector aGXYLayerList, ILcdGXYView aGXYViewSFCT, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aHttpServletRequest)
      Performs a selection on the given view and set of layers, and returns the selected objects as a ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList. The selection is defined by pixel bounds, specified by its upper left location (aX,aY) and its width and height (aSelectionWidth,aSelectionHeight). By default, objects are only selected if their visual representation falls within these bounds.
      aX - the x value of the upper left location of the selection rectangle.
      aY - the y value of the upper left location of the selection rectangle.
      aSelectionWidth - the width of the selection rectangle.
      aSelectionHeight - the height of the selection rectangle.
      aFeatureCount - the maximum number of objects (features) to be selected.
      aGXYLayerList - vector containing the ILcdGXYLayer objects being queried.
      aGXYViewSFCT - the map view for which the selection is requested.
      aHttpServletRequest - the original servlet request.
      a list of the layers having actually selected objects.
    • isEnableUserStyleSupport

      public boolean isEnableUserStyleSupport()
      Returns whether the command dispatcher should support user styling of layers. This makes only sense in combination when with registered support for DescribeLayer and availability of layer factories that can deal with SLD.
      This method returns whether user style support is active.
    • setEnableUserStyleSupport

      public void setEnableUserStyleSupport(boolean aEnableUserStyleSupport)
      Controls whether the command dispatcher should support user styling of layers. Enabling this has only sense in combination with registering support for DescribeLayer via addWMSDescribeLayerEncoder(ILcdWMSDescribeLayerRequestEncoder) and by registering support to create layers using SLD through addSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory(ALcdSLDWMSGXYLayerFactory).
      aEnableUserStyleSupport - The value if user style support is enabled.
    • setWMSCapabilitiesUpdater

      public void setWMSCapabilitiesUpdater(ILcdWMSCapabilitiesUpdater aCapabilitiesUpdater)
      Sets a capabilities updater.
      aCapabilitiesUpdater - A capabilities updater.
    • getWMSCapabilitiesUpdater

      public ILcdWMSCapabilitiesUpdater getWMSCapabilitiesUpdater()
      Returns the currently active capabilities updater.
      the currently active capabilities updater.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdDisposable

      Disposes of this object and allows it to release any system resources that it is holding.

      The result of calling any other method (other than finalize) on this object subsequent to a call to this method is undefined.

      Specified by:
      dispose in interface ILcdDisposable
      dispose in class ALcdWMSCommandDispatcher