Package com.luciad.format.database

package com.luciad.format.database
Provides classes to read and write geometries and features from generic spatial databases.

The TLcdDatabaseModel class allows to access elements using the ILcd2DBoundsIndexedModel interface. The elements are implementations of the ILcdDatabaseShape interface.

Alternatively, ILcdDatabaseDecoder and ILcdDatabaseEncoder implementations provided by specific database packages allow to read and write database elements in bulk.

  • Class
    This interface specifies methods to do uncached queries on a database or a set of data files, based on query strings, bounds, and keys.
    This interface specifies methods to do uncached queries on a database or a set of data files, based on bounds.
    This interface specifies methods to perform uncached updates on a database or a set of data files, based on query keys.
    This interface specifies methods to perform uncached updates on a database or a set of data files, based on query keys.
    This interface specifies a set of methods that create a basis for accessing a spatial database.
    This ILcdModelDescriptor specifically describes database models.
    This class provides access to the data base data model and its types.
    This class presents the contents of a database table containing geometries, as an ILcd2DBoundsIndexedModel.
    This ILcdModelDecoder decodes generic spatial databases into TLcdDatabaseModel or TLcdDatabaseReadOnlyModel objects.
    This ILcdDatabaseModelDescriptor describes a spatial database.
    This ILcdModelDecoder encodes models into spatial databases.
    This class presents the contents of a database table containing geometries, as an ILcd2DBoundsIndexedModel.
    This class provides an implementation of ILcdDataObject, and ILcdShapeList that contains one or more shapes.
    This class provides an implementation of ILcdDataobject and ILcdShapeList that contains a single shape.
    ILcdAnnotation that is put on a TLcdDataType to define which property should be used as primary key.