Class TLcdViewBasedTerrainElevationProvider<S extends ILcdView & ILcdLayered>

Type Parameters:
S - The view
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TLcdViewBasedTerrainElevationProvider<S extends ILcdView & ILcdLayered> extends ALcdRasterTerrainElevationProvider

This mediator keeps track of terrain models in the ILcdView and adds/removes them to/from the specified model based terrain elevation provider. It provides the elevation values from the view by extracting all models from it, and then asking its delegate ALcdModelBasedTerrainElevationProvider to provide the actual elevations.

Note that a view must be set using setView(ILcdView) before the mediator can add/remove terrain models to/from the model based elevation provider. If no view is set, the model based elevation provider remains unchanged. The method retrieveElevationAt(ILcdPoint, ILcdGeoReference) shall probably return the unknown elevation value for all specified points. This depends on the implementation of the specified model based elevation provider.
