Class ALcdModelBasedTerrainElevationProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ALcdDensityBasedElevationProvider, TLcdDensityBasedRasterElevationProvider, TLcdFixedLevelBasedRasterElevationProvider

public abstract class ALcdModelBasedTerrainElevationProvider extends ALcdRasterTerrainElevationProvider
A terrain elevation provider that gets its terrain elevation data from a list of models.
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdModelBasedTerrainElevationProvider

      protected ALcdModelBasedTerrainElevationProvider()
      Defines an ALcdRasterTerrainElevationProvider which holds a list of models that can be used to retrieve elevation data.
  • Method Details

    • addModel

      public void addModel(ILcdModel aModel)
      Add a model to the list of models to be taken into account for retrieving elevation data.
      aModel - The model to be added.
    • removeModel

      public void removeModel(ILcdModel aModel)
      Remove a model from list set of models to be taken into account for retrieving elevation data.
      aModel - The model to be removed.
    • removeAllModels

      public void removeAllModels()
      Empty the list of models to be taken into account for retrieving elevation data.
    • getModel

      public ILcdModel getModel(int aIndex)
      Returns the model at the specified index.
      aIndex - The index to query.
      the model at the specified index.
    • getModelCount

      public int getModelCount()
      Returns the number of models currently in the list.
      the number of models currently in the list.
    • getPreferredReference

      public ILcdGeoReference getPreferredReference()
      Returns the preferred reference for this terrain elevation provider. This reference is the reference with the best performance when used as a parameter in the method ALcdTerrainElevationProvider.retrieveElevationAt(ILcdPoint, ILcdGeoReference). It is perfectly correct to use points with other references, but it will be faster to use the preferred.

      If the model references of all models in this elevation provider are the same, this implementation will return that model reference as the preferred reference, otherwise null is returned.

      Specified by:
      getPreferredReference in interface ILcdAltitudeProvider
      getPreferredReference in class ALcdTerrainElevationProvider
      the preferred reference of this terrain elevation provider. Note that null can be returned if no preferred reference is available.
      See Also: