Class TLcdFixedLevelBasedRasterElevationProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdFixedLevelBasedRasterElevationProvider extends ALcdModelBasedTerrainElevationProvider
This implementation of ALcdTerrainElevationProvider retrieves the elevation from a number of Raster or MultiLevelRaster models. The raster level to use is set by setRasterLevel(). The default is level 1 (corresponds to DTED 0 for DTED rasters).
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdFixedLevelBasedRasterElevationProvider

      public TLcdFixedLevelBasedRasterElevationProvider()
      Defines an ALcdModelBasedTerrainElevationProvider which retrieves elevation values from the raster with the desired raster level.
  • Method Details

    • retrieveElevationAt

      public double retrieveElevationAt(ILcdPoint aModelPoint, ILcdGeoReference aModelPointReference)
      Returns the elevation for a given location, defined in meters above the geoid from the given location reference.

      Special elevation values should be interpreted as defined by the altitude descriptor (from ALcdTerrainElevationProvider.getAltitudeDescriptor()). Keep in mind that Double.NaN, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY and Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY can also be used as special values.

      This implementations uses the raster with the desired raster level to retrieve the altitude value for the given location.

      Specified by:
      retrieveElevationAt in class ALcdTerrainElevationProvider
      aModelPoint - The point indicating the location for which to retrieve the elevation.
      aModelPointReference - The reference in which the given location is defined. Note that the ellipsoid from this reference should be used to define the returning elevation value.
      the elevation for a given location, defined in meters above the ellipsoid.
    • getRasterLevel

      public int getRasterLevel()
      Returns the raster level used to retrieve elevation data.
      the raster level used to retrieve elevation data.
    • setRasterLevel

      public void setRasterLevel(int aRasterLevel)
      Set the desired raster level for this elevation provider.
      aRasterLevel - The desired raster level.