Interface ILcdStyled3DMesh

All Superinterfaces:
ILcd3DMesh, ILcdBounded
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdOpenFlightDegreeOfFreedomNode, TLcdOpenFlightGeometryNode, TLcdOpenFlightGroupNode, TLcdOpenFlightLevelOfDetailNode, TLcdOpenFlightObjectNode, TLcdOpenFlightSubFaceNode

public interface ILcdStyled3DMesh extends ILcd3DMesh
An extension of ILcd3DMesh that can provide an ILcd3DMeshStyle for every primitive.
  • Method Details

    • getStyleForPrimitive

      ILcd3DMeshStyle getStyleForPrimitive(int aPrimitiveIndex)
      Returns the style associated with the specified primitive.
      aPrimitiveIndex - the index of the requested primitive
      an ILcd3DMeshStyle