Class TLspGXYLayerTreeNodeAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdPropertyChangeSource, ILcdSelection<Object>, ILcdLayer, ILcdLayered, ILcdLayerTreeNode, ILspSnappable, ILspInteractivePaintableLayer, ILspLayer, ILspPaintableLayer, ILspStyledLayer, Serializable

public class TLspGXYLayerTreeNodeAdapter extends TLspGXYLayerAdapter implements ILcdLayerTreeNode
GXY integration in Lightspeed views is no longer supported. Instead, either stick to a GXY view, or use Lightspeed layers.
Adapter to add a ILcdGXYLayer to an ILspView, with layer tree node functionality. Layers added to this node must implement ILspLayer.
See Also: