Class TLcdSelectionChangedEvent<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdSelectionChangedEvent<T> extends EventObject
Event object to inform ILcdSelectionListener objects of selection changes in an ILcdSelection.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdSelectionChangedEvent

      public TLcdSelectionChangedEvent(ILcdSelection<T> aSelection, Vector<T> aSelectedObjects, Vector<T> aDeselectedObjects)
      use the constructor with the map.
      Creates a new TLcdSelectionChangedEvent with the given information.
      aSelection - the ILcdSelection that is firing this TLcdSelectionChangedEvent.
      aSelectedObjects - the objects for which the selection state changed from not selected to selected.
      aDeselectedObjects - the objects for which the selection state changed from selected to not selected. Note: an object should only be in one of the vectors, not in both.
    • TLcdSelectionChangedEvent

      public TLcdSelectionChangedEvent(ILcdSelection<T> aSelection, Map<T,Boolean> aSelectionChanges)
      Creates a new TLcdSelectionChangedEvent with the given information.
      aSelection - the ILcdSelection that is firing this TLcdSelectionChangedEvent.
      aSelectionChanges - the Map containing the selection changes. The keys of this Map must be the objects whose selection states have changed. The value associated to a given key must be a Boolean instance that is true if the Object has been selected or false if it has been deselected. It is recommended to use an IdentityHashMap.
  • Method Details

    • getChangedObjects

      public Collection<T> getChangedObjects()
      Returns the objects for which the selection state has changed.
      the objects for which the selection state has changed.
      See Also:
    • getSelection

      public ILcdSelection<T> getSelection()
      Returns the ILcdSelection that has fired this TLcdSelectionChangedEvent. This the same Object as the one returned by getSource().
      the ILcdSelection that has fired this TLcdSelectionChangedEvent. This the same Object as the one returned by getSource().
    • elements

      public Enumeration elements()
      Returns an Enumeration of all the objects for which the selection state has changed.
      an Enumeration of all the objects for which the selection state has changed.
      See Also:
    • elementCount

      public int elementCount()
      Returns the number of Objects for which the selection state has changed.
      the number of Objects for which the selection state has changed.
    • getElementAt

      public T getElementAt(int aIndex)
      Returns the object at a given index for which the selection state has changed.
      the object at a given index for which the selection state has changed.
    • selectedElements

      public Enumeration<T> selectedElements()
      Returns all objects for which the state has changed from deselected to selected.
      all objects for which the state has changed from deselected to selected.
    • deselectedElements

      public Enumeration<T> deselectedElements()
      Returns all objects for which the state has changed from selected to deselected.
      all objects for which the state has changed from selected to deselected.
    • containsElement

      public boolean containsElement(T aObject)
      Returns whether aObject is associated to this TLcdSelectionChangedEvent
      whether aObject is associated to this TLcdSelectionChangedEvent
    • retrieveChange

      public boolean retrieveChange(T aObject)
      Returns the details concerning aObject in this TLcdModelChangedEvent, false if the object has been deselected, true if the object has been selected. Warning: to retrieve the changes for all objects use the methods selectedElements() and deselectedElements() which result in a better performance.
      the details concerning aObject in this TLcdModelChangedEvent, false if the object has been deselected, true if the object has been selected.
      IllegalArgumentException - when a object was passed which was not in the selection changes.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class EventObject