Uses of Package

Packages that use com.luciad.transformation
Provides classes and interfaces for decoding and displaying ASTERIX data.
Provides representations, decoders, and encoders for rasters.
This package contains the base classes that describe a panorama.
This package contains transformations that can be used for ILcdPanoramicImages.
Three-dimensional shapes that can be changed in two dimensions.
Contains all classes for terrain elevation analysis.
The viewshed package provides support for computing and rendering visbility for 3D scenes consisting of any meshes, extruded shapes or terrain.
Handles all transformations between model coordinates and world coordinates.
General interfaces and implementations to retrieve heights from data, for instance, elevation rasters.
Provides two-dimensional views and components supporting the visualization of the former's representation.
Controllers for 2D views.
Painter and editor classes for rendering and visually editing objects in an ILcdGXYView.
Provides support for OpenGL-based 2D and 3D visualization of data.
Provides support for the discretization of vector shapes.
Provides layering support for ILspView.
Provides support for visualizing ILcdGXYLayer instances in an ILspView.
Utilities for making maps.