Package com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata

package com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata
LuciadFusion TileStore provides a resource model, based on ALfnResourceMetadata. Each resource has a unique ID and associated metadata. The following resources are defined:
  • Asset: represents a geographic data source
  • Coverage: represents a LuciadFusion tile-based data source
  • Theme: represents a grouping of resources

The resource model of LuciadFusion is a flat model, where each resource is a root resource. Some resources refer to other resources: coverages refer to assets and themes can refer to any other other resource, forming a directed graph, see TLfnThemeMetadata. References to resources may be unresolved, when the referenced resource is unknown or removed.

For navigating the resource model, the Visitor design pattern is supported by resources.
