Interface ILfnResourceMetadataResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:
ALfnTileStore, ALfnTileStoreWrapper, TLfnCachingTileStore, TLfnCollectionResourceMetadataResolver, TLfnDigestTileStore, TLfnFileSystemTileStore

public interface ILfnResourceMetadataResolver
A resolver which can resolve a resource ID to its resource metadata. A resolver does not necessarily have to be able to resolve all possible resource IDs. Depending on the use case, implementations may resolve a selected subset of resource IDs. A resolver should return null for resource IDs it cannot resolve.

A typical use case is when you're creating asset metadata and coverage metadata using a ALfnResourceMetadata.Builder. In this case, you could implement a resolver based on a map with asset ID as key and asset metadata as value. Such a resolver can then be given to the coverage metadata builder to compute auto-defaults.

Another use case is when you're loading all resource metadata from an existing Tile Store. In this case, you could implement a resolver based on ALfnTileStore.getResourceMetadata(String). Such a resolver can then be given to a TLfnThemeMetadataTraverser to traverse a theme resource's tree.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the metadata for a resource with a given ID, or null if none.