Class TLfnRasterAssetMetadata.RasterAssetPart

Enclosing class:

public static class TLfnRasterAssetMetadata.RasterAssetPart extends ALfnAssetMetadata.AssetPart
A representation of a raster asset part. It provides the following parameters in addition to those defined in the superclass:
  • pixel density: the pixel density of the raster asset part
  • multi-valued parameters: the multi-valued parameters, when the asset part represents multi-valued data
  • sampling mode: area or point sampling mode
  • tile set structure: an optional power-of-two tile set structure
  • band semantics: the image band semantics of this raster asset part.
  • Method Details

    • getDimensions

      public List<ILcdDimension<?>> getDimensions()
      Gets the dimensions of this raster asset part. Dimensions are used to model multi-dimensional data such as NetCDF weather data.

      NetCDF weather data typically contains multiple rasters: one for each combination of level and time.

      • level: height in the atmosphere the sample values were taken
      • time: the time of day the sample values were taken

      the dimensions, possibly empty but never null
      See Also:
    • getPixelDensity

      public double getPixelDensity()
      use getResolutions() instead
      Gets the pixel density of this raster asset part.
      the pixel density, possibly Double.NaN
    • getResolutions

      public List<TLfnResolution> getResolutions()
      Gets the resolutions of this raster asset part. Resolutions are spatial resolution with X and Y component in model coordinates. Multi-leveled source data has multiple resolutions, each corresponding to the resolution of a single level. The resolutions do not need to be in any particular order. It is recommended to list the order as they are listed in the source data. Usually, this means they will be ordered from low to high resolution, but this is not strictly required.

      OGC filter property XPath: lts:Resolution/@x and/or lts:Resolution/@y, corresponding to the X and Y component.

      the resolutions, possible empty but never null
    • getParameters

      public List<TLcdEarthMultivaluedDataParameter> getParameters()
      Gets the parameters of this raster asset part.

      OGC filter property XPath: lts:Parameter/lts:Name, lts:Parameter/lts:Unit, corresponding to the parameter's name and unit respectively

      the parameters of this raster asset, possibly empty but never null
    • getSamplingMode

      public ELcdImageSamplingMode getSamplingMode()
      Gets the sampling mode of this raster asset part. The default is area sampling. Typically, elevation data has point sampling mode.

      OGC filter property XPath: lts:SamplingMode

      Different asset parts of an asset may have different sampling modes. Different assets contributing to a coverage may have different sampling modes, yet a coverage can only have a single sampling mode. The fusion process will convert (interpolate) samples where necessary to match the sampling mode of the coverage.

      the sampling mode of this asset, never null
    • getTileSetStructure

      public TLfnRasterAssetMetadata.TileSetStructure getTileSetStructure()
      Gets the tile set structure of this raster asset part. A tile set structure is optional, but if present, the fusion engine will try and optimize the fusion process by copying tiled directly from this raster asset part. The default is null, which means 'no tile set structure'.
      the tile set structure, possibly null
    • getBandSemantics

      public List<? extends ALcdBandSemantics> getBandSemantics()
      Gets the band semantics of this raster asset part.
      the band semantics of this raster asset part, possibly empty but never null
    • getIndex

      public int getIndex()
      Gets the element index of a specific element in a model, in case the asset part being built specifies a single element of a model rather than the whole model itself. The default is -1, indicating that this asset part models all a model's elements.

      Most raster models are single-element models, in which case the index is -1.

      Some decoders, such as CADRG and ECRG, produce models with multiple elements. These elements represent unrelated rasters with a common source name, which correspond to multiple asset parts with a common location. In that case, the index is needed to identify a specific raster element. The location (source name) isn't enough in this case, because all elements have the same source name.

      the index of the element in the model this asset part represents, which is 0 or positive
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object aObject)
      equals in class ALfnAssetMetadata.AssetPart
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class ALfnAssetMetadata.AssetPart