Class TLfnThemeMetadata


public class TLfnThemeMetadata extends ALfnResourceMetadata
A representation of a theme, which groups any number and type of resources. The representation provides the following parameters in addition to those provided by the superclass:
  • resource IDs: the IDs of the resources grouped by a theme (optional, defaults to the empty collection if unspecified, never null
  • keywords: the keywords associated with a theme (optional, defaults to the empty collection if unspecified, never null
Instances of this class are immutable, thus thread-safe.

A theme refers to other resources and as such a theme represents a collection of resources. There is no hierarchical relationship (such as ownership) between the theme and its referenced resources. The theme's resources can contain nested themes and forms a directed graph of resources. Note that the graph of resources formed by a theme may contain:

  • loops (recusion) caused by nested themes
  • duplicate resources
  • unresolved resources

For easy traversal of a theme, the TLfnThemeMetadataTraverser can be used.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getResourceIds

      public Set<String> getResourceIds()
      Gets the resource IDs of this theme. The returned collection may be empty.

      OGC filter property XPath: lts:ResourceId

      the abstract, possibly empty but never null
    • getKeywords

      public List<String> getKeywords()
      Gets the keywords of the this theme. The returned collection may be empty.

      OGC filter property XPath: lts:Keyword

      the keywords, possibly empty but never null
    • accept

      public void accept(ALfnResourceMetadataVisitor aVisitor)
      Accepts the visitor for visiting this theme. There is no traversal to the referenced resources.
      Specified by:
      accept in class ALfnResourceMetadata
      aVisitor - the visitor
      See Also:
    • asBuilder

      public TLfnThemeMetadata.Builder asBuilder()
      Description copied from class: ALfnResourceMetadata
      Creates a new builder from this resource metadata. The builder's fields are initialized to the values of this resource metadata. The builder will build a resource metadata of the same type as this instance.
      Specified by:
      asBuilder in class ALfnResourceMetadata
      a new builder
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object aObject)
      equals in class ALfnResourceMetadata
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class ALfnResourceMetadata
    • newBuilder

      public static TLfnThemeMetadata.Builder newBuilder()
      Creates a new, empty builder. The builder's fields are initialized to the default values.
      a new builder
    • newBuilder

      public static TLfnThemeMetadata.Builder newBuilder(TLfnThemeMetadata aTemplate)
      Creates a new builder from a template. The builder's fields are initialized from the template.
      aTemplate - a template, must not be null
      a new builder