Class TLspEyeDomeLightingSettings.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static final class TLspEyeDomeLightingSettings.Builder extends Object
Builder used to create eye-dome lighting settings.

Default values:

  • Method Details

    • enabled

      public TLspEyeDomeLightingSettings.Builder enabled(boolean aEnabled)
      Sets the value for the enabled property that defines whether the EDL model has to be applied.

      The effect can be seen in these screenshots of a layer displaying point cloud data using a TLspPointCloudStyle:

      EDL is disabled
      Picture 1: EDL is disabled
      EDL is enabled
      Picture 2: EDL is enabled

      Default value: true.

      aEnabled - a value for the EDL enabled property
    • window

      public TLspEyeDomeLightingSettings.Builder window(int aEdlWindow)
      Sets the value for the window property that defines how many surrounding pixels must be taken into account for the EDL model.
      • a value of 1 to 10 will take into account a square area around a given pixel with a width and height of 2 * aEdlWindow + 1 for calculating the shade of that pixel;
      • any other value will result in an IllegalArgumentException to be thrown.

      The effect can be seen in these screenshots of a layer displaying point cloud data using a TLspPointCloudStyle:

      EDL window 1
      Picture 1: EDL window 1
      EDL window 5
      Picture 2: EDL window 5

      Default value: 1.

      aEdlWindow - a value for the EDL window, between 1 and 10 (inclusive)
    • strength

      public TLspEyeDomeLightingSettings.Builder strength(double aEdlStrength)
      Sets the value for the strength property that is multiplied with the shading that is applied to the image.
      • a value between 0.0 and 1.0 will soften the shade;
      • a value between 1.0 and 4.0 will harden the shade;
      • any other value will result in an IllegalArgumentException to be thrown

      The effect can be seen in these screenshots of a layer displaying point cloud data using a TLspPointCloudStyle:

      EDL strength 1.0
      Picture 1: EDL strength 1.0
      EDL strength 3.0
      Picture 2: EDL strength 3.0

      Default value: 1.0.

      aEdlStrength - a value for the EDL strength, between 0.0 and 4.0 (inclusive)
    • color

      public TLspEyeDomeLightingSettings.Builder color(Color aEdlColor)
      Sets the value for the color property that is used for shading the EDL.

      The effect can be seen in these screenshots of a layer displaying point cloud data using a TLspPointCloudStyle:

      EDL color black
      Picture 1: EDL color black
      EDL color dark red
      Picture 2: EDL color dark red

      Default value: black.

      aEdlColor - a value for the EDL color
    • build

      Construct a new settings object with the properties that are set on this builder.
      a new settings object