Class TLspEyeDomeLightingSettings


public final class TLspEyeDomeLightingSettings extends Object
This settings class presents a set of properties for handling eye-dome lighting.

Eye-dome lighting (EDL) is a non-photorealistic lighting model, which helps accentuate the shapes of different objects to improve depth perception, by shading their outlines.

The effect can be seen in these screenshots of a layer displaying point cloud data using a TLspPointCloudStyle:

EDL is disabled
Picture 1: EDL is disabled
EDL is enabled
Picture 2: EDL is enabled

Technically, the lighting model applies a shade to each pixel, based on the depth difference between that pixel and its surrounding pixels. The EDL technique uses 4 properties, all to be set in this settings object:

  • the enabled property defines whether the EDL has to be applied.
  • the window property defines how many surrounding pixels must be taken into account.
  • the strength property is a factor to multiply with the shading that is applied to the image. A value between 0 and 1 will soften the shade, a value between 1 and 4 will harden the shade.
  • the color property defines what color the shade will have.

Construction and configuration is done through the TLspEyeDomeLightingSettings.Builder class, of which an instance can be acquired via newBuilder(). See TLspEyeDomeLightingSettings.Builder for default values.


    TLspEyeDomeLightingSettings settings = TLspEyeDomeLightingSettings.newBuilder()