Uses of Class
Uses of TLcdLOSOptions in com.luciad.tea
Modifier and
Creates a new TLsLOSOptions object with parameters configured in other functionsModifierConstructorDescriptionTLcdLOSPropagationFunctionFixedHeight
(ILcdLOSRadarPropagationFunction aLOSRadarPropagationFunction, double aFixedHeight, TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode aFixedHeightMode, TLcdLOSOptions aLOSOption) Creates a propagation function which computes the visibility of points at a fixed height from a given point.TLcdLOSRadarPropagationFunction
(TLcdEarthRepresentationMode aEarthRepresentationMode, ALcdTerrainElevationProvider aTerrainElevationProvider, TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode aAltitudeMode, double aMinVerticalAngle, double aMaxVerticalAngle, double aMaxRadarTiltAngle, double aMaxRadarTiltAzimuth, double aKFactor, TLcdLOSOptions aLOSOption) Creates a propagation function which computes the minimal height from which one is visible from the center point of a circular area.TLcdLOSRadarPropagationFunctionSkyBackground
(ILcdLOSRadarPropagationFunction aLOSRadarPropagationFunction, TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode aAltitudeMode, TLcdLOSOptions aLOSOption) Creates a propagation function which computes the minimal height from which one is visible from the center point of a circular area with the sky as background.