Class TLcdRadarP2PFactory


public class TLcdRadarP2PFactory extends Object
use the TLcdP2PCoverageFactory instead. Perform the following steps to replace this code with the new point-to-point coverage functionality.
  1. Create a new TLcdP2PCoverageFactory.
  2. Create the wanted propagation function (e.g. TLcdP2PRadarPropagationFunction).
  3. Create the wanted point-to-point coverage (TLcdP2PCoverage) which contains the coverage for which the point-to-point should be created.
  4. Use the method TLcdP2PCoverageFactory.createPoint2PointIntervisibility to create a new ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility.
This is a Factory class to create an ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility that is automatically recomputed when one of its defining points changes and that takes a radar reflection factor into account.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdRadarP2PFactory

      public TLcdRadarP2PFactory()
  • Method Details

    • createPoint2PointIntervisibility

      public ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility createPoint2PointIntervisibility(ILcdPoint aFromPoint, ILcdPoint aToPoint, double aFromPointHeightAboveGround, double aToPointHeightAboveGround, ILcdRaster[] aRasters, double aKFactor)
      Creates a new ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility that recomputes its intervisibility each time one of its defining points is changed. The sampling of the underlying terrain data is done at a distance equal to 1/100 of the original distance between the points. This method assumes the two points and the rasters defined in the geodetic WGS84 reference.
      aFromPoint - the first point of the ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility. This point should be a lon lat point defined in WGS84 coordinates.
      aToPoint - the second point of the ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility. This point should be a lon lat point defined in WGS84 coordinates.
      aFromPointHeightAboveGround - the height (in meter) above the ground of the first point.
      aToPointHeightAboveGround - the height (in meter) above the ground of the second point.
      aRasters - the rasters to perform the computation on.
      aKFactor - a factor indicating the reflection of radar waves on the atmosphere. For radar computations, values should be greater than 1, usually 4/3. Setting the value equal to 1 will yield the same results as visual point-to-point computations.
      a ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility that contains whether the two points are intervisible for a radar with the given K factor and the two points.
    • createPoint2PointIntervisibility

      public ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility createPoint2PointIntervisibility(ILcdPoint aFromPoint, ILcdGeoReference aFromPointReference, double aFromPointHeightAboveGround, ILcdPoint aToPoint, ILcdGeoReference aToPointReference, double aToPointHeightAboveGround, ILcdModelReference aTargetReference, ILcdRaster[] aRasters, ILcdModelReference aRastersReference, double aKFactor)
      Convenience method to simplify intervisibility computations over terrain which is represented by raster data, all defined in the same reference.
      aFromPoint - the first point of the ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility. This point should be a lon lat point defined in WGS84 coordinates.
      aFromPointReference - the reference in which the first point is defined.
      aFromPointHeightAboveGround - the height (in meter) above the ground of the first point.
      aToPoint - the second point of the ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility. This point should be a lon lat point defined in WGS84 coordinates.
      aToPointReference - the reference in which the second point is defined.
      aToPointHeightAboveGround - the height (in meter) above the ground of the second point.
      aTargetReference - the reference the coordinates of the resulting line will be expressed in.
      aRasters - the rasters containing the elevation data.
      aRastersReference - the reference the rasters are defined in. This method computes the distance between the 2 points and sets the step so that the elevation is calculated at 100 points and then calls createPoint2PointIntervisibility(com.luciad.shape.ILcdPoint, com.luciad.reference.ILcdGeoReference, double, com.luciad.shape.ILcdPoint, com.luciad.reference.ILcdGeoReference, double, ALcdTerrainElevationProvider, com.luciad.model.ILcdModelReference, com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelModelTransformation, double, double).
      aKFactor - a factor indicating the reflection of radar waves on the atmosphere. For radar computations, values should be greater than 1, usually 4/3. Setting the value equal to 1 will yield the same results as visual point-to-point computations.
      a ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility that contains whether the two points are intervisible for a radar with the given K factor and the two points.
    • createPoint2PointIntervisibility

      public ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility createPoint2PointIntervisibility(ILcdPoint aFromPoint, ILcdPoint aToPoint, double aFromPointHeightAboveGround, double aToPointHeightAboveGround, ILcdGXYView aGXYView, double aKFactor)
      Creates a new ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility that recomputes its intervisibility each time one of its defining points is changed. The sampling of the underlying terrain data is done at a distance equal to 1/100 of the original distance between the points. This method assumes the two points and the rasters defined in the geodetic WGS84 reference.
      aFromPoint - the first point of the ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility. This point should be a lon lat point defined in WGS84 coordinates.
      aToPoint - the second point of the ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility.This point should be a lon lat point defined in WGS84 coordinates.
      aFromPointHeightAboveGround - the height (in meter) above the ground of the first point.
      aToPointHeightAboveGround - the height (in meter) above the ground of the second point.
      aGXYView - the ILcdGXYView to perform the computation on. The code will retrieve the relevant WGS84 rasters in the view to do the computations.
      aKFactor - a factor indicating the reflection of radar waves on the atmosphere. For radar computations, values should be greater than 1, usually 4/3. Setting the value equal to 1 will yield the same results as visual point-to-point computations.
      a ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility that contains whether the two points are intervisible for a radar with the given K factor and the two points.
    • createPoint2PointIntervisibility

      public ILcdExtendedPoint2PointIntervisibility createPoint2PointIntervisibility(ILcdPoint aFirstPoint, ILcdGeoReference aFirstPointReference, double aFirstPointHeightAboveGround, ILcdPoint aSecondPoint, ILcdGeoReference aSecondPointReference, double aSecondPointHeightAboveGround, ALcdTerrainElevationProvider aTerrainElevationProvider, ILcdModelReference aTargetReference, ILcdModelModelTransformation aModelModelTransformation, double aStepInMeters, double aKFactor)
      Creates a ILcdExtendedPoint2PointIntervisibility that contains the visibility between two points in different references. The model-model transformation passed should be able to transform between WGS84 and any of the references passed as a parameter below.
      aFirstPoint - the first point to compute the intervisibility for.
      aFirstPointReference - the reference in which the first points coordinates are expressed.
      aFirstPointHeightAboveGround - the height above ground in meters of the first point.
      aSecondPoint - the second point to compute the intervisibility for.
      aSecondPointReference - the reference in which the second points coordinates are expressed.
      aSecondPointHeightAboveGround - the height above ground in meters of the second point.
      aTerrainElevationProvider - provides elevation information to base the computations on.
      aTargetReference - the reference the coordinates of the resulting line will be expressed in.
      aModelModelTransformation - a transformation that supports transforming points between WGS84 and all references passed in these parameters.
      aStepInMeters - the step in meters to take for sampling the points in between the two points.
      aKFactor - a factor indicating the reflection of radar waves on the atmosphere. For radar computations, values should be greater than 1, usually 4/3. Setting the value equal to 1 will yield the same results as visual point-to-point computations.
      a ILcdExtendedPoint2PointIntervisibility that contains whether the two points are intervisible for a radar with the given K factor and the two points in the original and the target reference.