Interface ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility
Represents the input and result of a visibility computation between two points.
  • Method Details

    • getFromPoint

      ILcdPoint getFromPoint()
      Gets the first point of the ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility.
      The first point of the ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility.
    • getToPoint

      ILcdPoint getToPoint()
      Gets the second point of the ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility.
      The second point of the ILcdPoint2PointIntervisibility.
    • getFromPointHeightAboveGround

      double getFromPointHeightAboveGround()
      Gets the height above the ground of the first point.
      The height above the ground of the first point.
    • getToPointHeightAboveGround

      double getToPointHeightAboveGround()
      Gets the height above the ground of the second point.
      The height above the ground of the second point.
    • isIntervisible

      boolean isIntervisible()
      Indicates whether the two points can see each other or not.
      true if the two points are intervisible, false otherwise.
    • isIntervisibilityCertain

      boolean isIntervisibilityCertain()
      Indicates whether the result of the intervisibility computation is certain or not. E.g. it is possible that, due to unknown or invalid elevation data, the computations could not determine the correct intervisibility state between the two points.
      true if the result of the intervisibility computation is certain, false otherwise.