Class TLcdP2PCoverageFactory


public class TLcdP2PCoverageFactory extends Object
Computes the visibility between two points. A TLcdP2PCoverageFactory is a factory which creates ILcdExtendedPoint2PointIntervisibility objects representing a line-of-sight computation between two points. These computations are based on propagation functions describing the visibility between two points.

To create a new point-to-point intervisibility:

  1. Choose or create a propagation function (ILcdP2PPropagationFunction) describing how the detection wave propagates (visual, radar).
  2. Create a linear area to compute the line-of-sight for. An ILcdP2PCoverage describes both the defining points and the sampling step.
  3. Call createPoint2PointIntervisibility to compute the line-of-sight according to the propagation function on the covered area. The result is returned as an ILcdExtendedPoint2PointIntervisibility in the specified reference.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdP2PCoverageFactory

      public TLcdP2PCoverageFactory()
      Defines a point-to-point coverage factory.
  • Method Details

    • removeStatusListener

      public void removeStatusListener(ILcdStatusListener aStatusListener)
      Terminates notifying a listener with the progress of point-to-point visibility computations.
      aStatusListener - will no longer be notified of progress when running a point-to-point visibility computation.
      See Also:
    • addStatusListener

      public void addStatusListener(ILcdStatusListener aStatusListener)
      Starts notifying a listener with the progress of point-to-point visibility computations.
      aStatusListener - will be notified of progress when running a point-to-point visibility computation.
      See Also:
    • createPoint2PointIntervisibility

      public ILcdExtendedPoint2PointIntervisibility createPoint2PointIntervisibility(ILcdP2PPropagationFunction aP2PPropagationFunction, ILcdP2PCoverage aP2PCoverage, ILcdGeoReference aTargetReference, ALcdTerrainElevationProvider aTerrainElevationProvider)
      This method creates an ILcdExtendedPoint2PointIntervisibility using the propagation function aP2PPropagationFunction, the point-to-point coverage aP2PCoverage, the target reference aTargetReference and the terrain elevation provider aTerrainElevationProvider.

      The target reference defines the reference in which the intervisibility polyline will be defined. Currently, only geodetic target references are supported.

      aP2PPropagationFunction - The propagation function to use for the computation.
      aP2PCoverage - The covered area and the intermediate step sizes.
      aTargetReference - The reference in which the result will be defined.
      aTerrainElevationProvider - The terrain elevation provider.
      an ILcdExtendedPoint2PointIntervisibility representing the result of line-of-sight computations on the given area using the given propagation function.
      NullPointerException - when a null argument is found.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the start point or the end point cannot be converted to the target reference aTargetReference or when the target reference is not a geodetic reference.