Class TLcdP2PCoverage

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdP2PCoverage, Cloneable

public class TLcdP2PCoverage extends Object implements ILcdP2PCoverage
A TLcdP2PCoverage defines a coverage between two points. Objects of this type are used by the TLcdP2PCoverageFactory to create a point-to-point intervisibility. It contains:
  • the start point (ILcdPoint) in which the coverage starts,
  • the start point reference (ILcdGeoReference) in which the start point is defined,
  • the altitude of the start point, defined in meters,
  • the altitude mode (TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode) which indicates how to interpret the start point altitude,
  • the end point (ILcdPoint) in which the coverage stops,
  • the end point reference (ILcdGeoReference) in which the end point is defined,
  • the altitude of the end point, defined in meters,
  • the altitude mode (TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode) which indicates how to interpret the end point altitude, and
  • the step size to define a discretization, defined in meters.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdP2PCoverage

      public TLcdP2PCoverage(ILcdPoint aStartPoint, ILcdGeoReference aStartPointReference, double aStartPointAltitude, TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode aStartPointAltitudeMode, ILcdPoint aEndPoint, ILcdGeoReference aEndPointReference, double aEndPointAltitude, TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode aEndPointAltitudeMode, double aStepSize)
      Creates an new point-to-point coverage with the specified parameters. Note that the start and end point properties cannot be set to null, otherwise a NullPointerException will be thrown.
      aStartPoint - The start point.
      aStartPointReference - The reference in which the start point is defined.
      aStartPointAltitude - The altitude of the start point, defined in meters.
      aStartPointAltitudeMode - The altitude mode indicating how to interpret the altitude of the start point.
      aEndPoint - The end point.
      aEndPointReference - The reference in which the end point is defined.
      aEndPointAltitude - The altitude of the end point, defined in meters.
      aEndPointAltitudeMode - The altitude mode indicating how to interpret the altitude of the end point.
      aStepSize - The discretization step size, defined in meters.
      NullPointerException - when one of the following arguments are null: aStartPoint, aStartPointReference, aStartPointAltitudeMode, aEndPoint, aEndPointReference and aEndPointAltitudeMode.
  • Method Details

    • getStartPoint

      public ILcdPoint getStartPoint()
      Returns the start point of this coverage.
      Specified by:
      getStartPoint in interface ILcdP2PCoverage
      the start point of this coverage.
      See Also:
      • setStartPoint(com.luciad.shape.ILcdPoint)
    • getStartPointAltitudeMode

      public TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode getStartPointAltitudeMode()
      Returns the altitude mode in which the altitude of the start point should be interpreted.
      Specified by:
      getStartPointAltitudeMode in interface ILcdP2PCoverage
      the altitude mode in which the altitude of the start point should be interpreted.
    • getStartPointAltitude

      public double getStartPointAltitude()
      Returns the altitude of the start point, defined in meters.
      Specified by:
      getStartPointAltitude in interface ILcdP2PCoverage
      the altitude of the start point, defined in meters.
      See Also:
      • setStartPointAltitude(double)
    • getStartPointReference

      public ILcdGeoReference getStartPointReference()
      Returns the start point of this coverage.
      Specified by:
      getStartPointReference in interface ILcdP2PCoverage
      the start point of this coverage.
      See Also:
      • setStartPointReference(com.luciad.reference.ILcdGeoReference)
    • getEndPoint

      public ILcdPoint getEndPoint()
      Returns the end point of this coverage.
      Specified by:
      getEndPoint in interface ILcdP2PCoverage
      the end point of this coverage.
      See Also:
      • setEndPoint(com.luciad.shape.ILcdPoint)
    • getEndPointAltitudeMode

      public TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode getEndPointAltitudeMode()
      Returns the altitude mode in which the altitude of the end point should be interpreted.
      Specified by:
      getEndPointAltitudeMode in interface ILcdP2PCoverage
      the altitude mode in which the altitude of the end point should be interpreted.
    • getEndPointAltitude

      public double getEndPointAltitude()
      Returns the altitude of the end point, defined in meters.
      Specified by:
      getEndPointAltitude in interface ILcdP2PCoverage
      the altitude of the end point, defined in meters.
      See Also:
      • setEndPointAltitude(double)
    • getEndPointReference

      public ILcdGeoReference getEndPointReference()
      Returns the end point reference of this coverage.
      Specified by:
      getEndPointReference in interface ILcdP2PCoverage
      the end point reference of this coverage.
      See Also:
      • setEndPointReference(com.luciad.reference.ILcdGeoReference)
    • getStepSize

      public double getStepSize()
      Returns the step size of this coverage, defined in meters.
      Specified by:
      getStepSize in interface ILcdP2PCoverage
      the step size of this coverage, defined in meters.
      See Also:
      • setStepSize(double)
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object aObject)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • clone

      public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
      Description copied from interface: ILcdP2PCoverage
      Making the clone method available for all other classes. All implementations of this interface should support the clone method. This means that this method should never throw a CloneNotSupportedException.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ILcdP2PCoverage
      clone in class Object
      a clone of this instance.