Interface ILcdP2PCoverage

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public interface ILcdP2PCoverage extends Cloneable
Represents a coverage between two points. Implementations of this interface can be passed to TLcdP2PCoverageFactory to create a point-to-point intervisibility. It contains information such as:
  • The start point (ILcdPoint) in which the coverage starts.
  • The start point reference (ILcdGeoReference) in which the start point is defined.
  • The altitude of the start point, defined in meters.
  • The altitude mode of the start point, indicating how to interpret the start point altitude.
  • The end point (ILcdPoint) in which the coverage stops.
  • The end point reference (ILcdGeoReference) in which the end point is defined.
  • The altitude of the end point, defined in meters.
  • The altitude mode of the end point, indicating how to interpret the end point altitude.
  • The step size to define a discretization, defined in meters.
  • Method Details

    • getStartPoint

      ILcdPoint getStartPoint()
      Returns the start point of this coverage.
      the start point of this coverage.
    • getStartPointAltitudeMode

      TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode getStartPointAltitudeMode()
      Returns the altitude mode in which the altitude of the start point should be interpreted.
      the altitude mode in which the altitude of the start point should be interpreted.
    • getStartPointAltitude

      double getStartPointAltitude()
      Returns the altitude of the start point, defined in meters.
      the altitude of the start point, defined in meters.
    • getStartPointReference

      ILcdGeoReference getStartPointReference()
      Returns the start point of this coverage.
      the start point of this coverage.
    • getEndPoint

      ILcdPoint getEndPoint()
      Returns the end point of this coverage.
      the end point of this coverage.
    • getEndPointAltitudeMode

      TLcdCoverageAltitudeMode getEndPointAltitudeMode()
      Returns the altitude mode in which the altitude of the end point should be interpreted.
      the altitude mode in which the altitude of the end point should be interpreted.
    • getEndPointAltitude

      double getEndPointAltitude()
      Returns the altitude of the end point, defined in meters.
      the altitude of the end point, defined in meters.
    • getEndPointReference

      ILcdGeoReference getEndPointReference()
      Returns the end point reference of this coverage.
      the end point reference of this coverage.
    • getStepSize

      double getStepSize()
      Returns the step size of this coverage, defined in meters.
      the step size of this coverage, defined in meters.
    • clone

      Making the clone method available for all other classes. All implementations of this interface should support the clone method. This means that this method should never throw a CloneNotSupportedException.
      a clone of this instance.