Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILcdEditableShapeList
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 geometry types.
Provides classes to read and write geometries and features from generic spatial databases.
Handles the dgn format.
Handles the dwg format.
Provides domain model classes and utility classes for modeling GML 2 data.
Provides domain model classes and utility classes for modeling GML 3.1 data.
Provides domain model classes and utility classes for modeling GML 3.2 data.
This package contains all feature classes of KML.
This package contains all geometry classes of KML.
Handles MapInfo formats: the binary map format and the ASCII mif format.
This package contains a domain model to represent an NVG 1.4/1.5 data source.
This package contains a domain model to represent an NVG 2.0 data source.
Everything related to representing three-dimensional shapes.