Interface ILcdEditableShapeList

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcdBounded, ILcdCloneable, ILcdShape, ILcdShapeList, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdAIXM51ElevatedSurface, TLcdAIXM51Surface, TLcdDataObjectShapeList, TLcdDGN3DSurface, TLcdDGNCell, TLcdDGNComplexChain, TLcdDGNComplexShape, TLcdDGNSolid, TLcdDGNTextNode2D, TLcdDWGBlock, TLcdFeaturedMultiShapeList, TLcdFeaturedShapeList, TLcdFeaturedSingleShapeList, TLcdGML2MultiPoint, TLcdGML2MultiPolygon, TLcdGML31AbstractGeometricAggregate, TLcdGML31MultiCurve, TLcdGML31MultiGeometry, TLcdGML31MultiLineString, TLcdGML31MultiPoint, TLcdGML31MultiPolygon, TLcdGML31MultiSolid, TLcdGML31MultiSurface, TLcdGML31PolyhedralSurface, TLcdGML31Surface, TLcdGML31Tin, TLcdGML31TriangulatedSurface, TLcdGML32AbstractGeometricAggregate, TLcdGML32MultiCurve, TLcdGML32MultiGeometry, TLcdGML32MultiPoint, TLcdGML32MultiSolid, TLcdGML32MultiSurface, TLcdGML32Surface, TLcdGML32Tin, TLcdKML22MultiGeometry, TLcdKML22Placemark, TLcdMIFCollection, TLcdMIFMultipoint, TLcdMIFPLine, TLcdMIFRegion, TLcdMIFText, TLcdNVG15Anchor, TLcdNVG15Composite, TLcdNVG15Group, TLcdNVG20Composite, TLcdNVG20Group, TLcdShapeList

public interface ILcdEditableShapeList extends ILcdShapeList
An ILcdEditableShapeList is an ILcdShapeList whose contents can be modified. It provides methods for adding and removing shapes, and notification of shape changes.

Implementations may place limitations on what shapes may be added to this ILcdShapeList. They should clearly specify in their documentation which restrictions apply.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addShape(int aIndex, ILcdShape aShape)
    Inserts the specified shape at the specified position in this ILcdShapeList.
    Appends the specified shape to the end of this ILcdShapeList.
    addShapes(ILcdShape[] aShape)
    Appends the specified array of shapes to the end of this ILcdShapeList.
    Removes all of the shapes from this ILcdShapeList.
    removeShape(int aIndex)
    Removes the shape at the specified position in this ILcdShapeList.
    Removes the first occurrence of the specified shape in this ILcdShapeList.
    Removes all shapes from this ILcdShapeList that are contained in the specified array of shapes.
    setShape(int aIndex, ILcdShape aShape)
    Replaces the shape at the specified position in this ILcdShapeList with the specified shape.
    setShapes(ILcdShape[] aShapes)
    Replace the list of shapes contained in this ILcdShapeList with the specified array of shapes.
    shapeChanged(int aIndex)
    Notifies this ILcdShapeList that the shape at the specified position has changed.
    Notifies this ILcdShapeList that the specified shape has changed.
    Notifies this ILcdShapeList that some (possibly all) of its shapes have changed.

    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdBounded


    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.util.ILcdCloneable


    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdShape

    contains2D, contains2D, contains3D, contains3D, getFocusPoint

    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdShapeList

    getShape, getShapeCount
  • Method Details

    • addShape

      void addShape(int aIndex, ILcdShape aShape)
      Inserts the specified shape at the specified position in this ILcdShapeList.
      aIndex - the index at which the shape is to be inserted.
      aShape - the shape to be inserted.
      ClassCastException - if the class of the specified shape prevents it from being added to this ILcdShapeList.
      NullPointerException - if the specified shape is null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if some aspect of the specified shape prevents it from being added to this ILcdShapeList.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > getShapeCount()).
    • addShape

      void addShape(ILcdShape aShape)
      Appends the specified shape to the end of this ILcdShapeList.
      aShape - the shape to be appended to this ILcdShapeList.
      ClassCastException - if the class of the specified shape prevents it from being added to this ILcdShapeList.
      NullPointerException - if the specified shape is null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if some aspect of the specified shape prevents it from being added to this ILcdShapeList.
    • addShapes

      void addShapes(ILcdShape[] aShape)
      Appends the specified array of shapes to the end of this ILcdShapeList.
      aShape - the array of shapes to be appended to this ILcdShapeList.
      ClassCastException - if the class of one or more of the shapes in the specified array prevents it from being added to this ILcdShapeList.
      NullPointerException - if the specified array is null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if some aspect one or more of the shapes in the specified array prevents it from being added to this ILcdShapeList.
    • clearShapes

      void clearShapes()
      Removes all of the shapes from this ILcdShapeList.
    • removeShape

      ILcdShape removeShape(int aIndex)
      Removes the shape at the specified position in this ILcdShapeList. Shifts any subsequent shapes to the left. Returns the shape that was removed from this ILcdShapeList.
      aIndex - the index of the shape to removed.
      the shape previously at the specified position.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= size()).
    • removeShape

      boolean removeShape(ILcdShape aShape)
      Removes the first occurrence of the specified shape in this ILcdShapeList. If this ILcdShapeList does not contain the shape, it is unchanged.
      aShape - the shape to be removed, if present.
      true if this ILcdShapeList contained the specified element.
      NullPointerException - if the specified shape is null.
    • removeShapes

      void removeShapes(ILcdShape[] aShape)
      Removes all shapes from this ILcdShapeList that are contained in the specified array of shapes.
      aShape - the array of shapes to be removed from this ILcdShapeList.
      NullPointerException - if the specified array is null.
    • setShape

      ILcdShape setShape(int aIndex, ILcdShape aShape)
      Replaces the shape at the specified position in this ILcdShapeList with the specified shape.
      aIndex - index of shape to replace.
      aShape - the shape to be stored at the specified position.
      the shape previously at the specified position.
      ClassCastException - if the class of the specified shape prevents it from being added to this ILcdShapeList.
      NullPointerException - if the specified shape is null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if some aspect of the specified shape prevents it from being added to this ILcdShapeList.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > getShapeCount()).
    • setShapes

      void setShapes(ILcdShape[] aShapes)
      Replace the list of shapes contained in this ILcdShapeList with the specified array of shapes.
      aShapes - the array of shapes to be stored in this ILcdShapeList.
      ClassCastException - if the class of one or more of the shapes in the specified array prevents it from being added to this ILcdShapeList.
      NullPointerException - if the specified array is null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if some aspect one or more of the shapes in the specified array prevents it from being added to this ILcdShapeList.
    • shapeChanged

      void shapeChanged(int aIndex)
      Notifies this ILcdShapeList that the shape at the specified position has changed.
      aIndex - the index of the shape that has changed.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index > getShapeCount()).
    • shapeChanged

      void shapeChanged(ILcdShape aShape)
      Notifies this ILcdShapeList that the specified shape has changed.
      aShape - the shape that has changed.
    • shapesChanged

      void shapesChanged()
      Notifies this ILcdShapeList that some (possibly all) of its shapes have changed.