Class TLcdGML2GeometryCollection

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdBounded, ILcdShape, ILcdShapeList, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, ILcdFeatured, ILcdInvalidateable, ILcdSelfDescribedFeatured, Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
TLcdGML2MultiLineString, TLcdGML2MultiPoint, TLcdGML2MultiPolygon

public class TLcdGML2GeometryCollection extends TLcdGML2AbstractGeometryCollectionBase implements ILcdShapeList, ILcdInvalidateable
A geometry collection must include one or more geometries, referenced through geometryMember elements. User-defined geometry collections that accept GML geometry classes as members must instantiate--or derive from--this type.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdDataProperty GEOMETRY_MEMBER_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the geometryMember element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdGML2GeometryAssociation>.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGML2GeometryCollection

      public TLcdGML2GeometryCollection()
    • TLcdGML2GeometryCollection

      public TLcdGML2GeometryCollection(TLcdDataType aType)
  • Method Details

    • addShape

      public void addShape(int aIndex, ILcdShape aShape)
    • addShape

      public void addShape(ILcdShape aShape)
    • addShapes

      public void addShapes(ILcdShape[] aShapes)
    • clearShapes

      public void clearShapes()
    • removeShape

      public ILcdShape removeShape(int aIndex)
    • removeShape

      public boolean removeShape(ILcdShape aShape)
    • removeShapes

      public void removeShapes(ILcdShape[] aShapes)
    • setShape

      public ILcdShape setShape(int aIndex, ILcdShape aShape)
    • setShapes

      public void setShapes(ILcdShape[] aShapes)
    • shapeChanged

      public void shapeChanged(int aIndex)
    • shapeChanged

      public void shapeChanged(ILcdShape aShape)
    • shapesChanged

      public void shapesChanged()
    • getShapeCount

      public int getShapeCount()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdShapeList
      Returns the number of ILcdShape objects in the list.
      Specified by:
      getShapeCount in interface ILcdShapeList
      the number of ILcdShape objects in the list.
    • getShape

      public ILcdShape getShape(int aIndex)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdShapeList
      Returns the ILcdShape at the given index.
      Specified by:
      getShape in interface ILcdShapeList
      aIndex - a valid index in the list of ILcdShape objects.
      the ILcdShape at the given index.
    • contains2D

      public boolean contains2D(ILcdPoint aPoint)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdShape
      Checks whether this ILcdShape contains the given ILcdPoint in the 2D space. Only the first two dimensions of the ILcdShape and the ILcdPoint are considered.
      Specified by:
      contains2D in interface ILcdShape
      contains2D in class TLcdGML2AbstractGeometry
      aPoint - the ILcdPoint to test.
      the boolean result of the containment test.
      See Also:
    • contains3D

      public boolean contains3D(ILcdPoint aPoint)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdShape
      Checks whether this ILcdShape contains the given ILcdPoint in the 3D space.
      Specified by:
      contains3D in interface ILcdShape
      contains3D in class TLcdGML2AbstractGeometry
      aPoint - the ILcdPoint to test.
      the boolean result of the containment test.
      See Also:
    • contains3D

      public boolean contains3D(double aX, double aY, double aZ)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdShape
      Checks whether this ILcdShape contains the given point in the 3D space.
      Specified by:
      contains3D in interface ILcdShape
      contains3D in class TLcdGML2AbstractGeometry
      aX - the x coordinate of the point.
      aY - the y coordinate of the point.
      aZ - the z coordinate of the point.
      the boolean result of the containment test.
    • contains2D

      public boolean contains2D(double aX, double aY)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdShape
      Checks whether this ILcdShape contains the given point in the 2D space. Only the first two dimensions of the ILcdShape are considered.
      Specified by:
      contains2D in interface ILcdShape
      contains2D in class TLcdGML2AbstractGeometry
      aX - the x coordinate of the point.
      aY - the y coordinate of the point.
      the boolean result of the containment test.
    • getFocusPoint

      public ILcdPoint getFocusPoint()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdShape
      Returns the focus point of this ILcdShape.
      Specified by:
      getFocusPoint in interface ILcdShape
      getFocusPoint in class TLcdGML2AbstractGeometry
      the focus point of this ILcdShape.
    • clone

      Description copied from class: TLcdDataObject
      Returns a deep clone of this object. This method delegates to TLcdDataObject.clone(Map).
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ILcdCloneable
      clone in class TLcdDataObject
      a deep clone of this object
      See Also:
    • clone

      public TLcdDataObject clone(Map aObjectDictionary)
      Description copied from class: TLcdDataObject
      Returns a deep clone of this object. If the clone is not already present in the dictionary, a new instance if created as follows:
      • First, a new instance is created using Java's clone() mechanism.
      • Then, all properties of this object are cloned and set on the newly created instance. A property is cloned as follows:
        • If the property value is an ILcdDataObject, the value is cloned by first creating a new instance via the value.getDataType().newInstance() method, and then cloning its properties one by one.
        • If the value implements ILcdDeepCloneable or ILcdCloneable then this interface is used to clone the value.
        • Otherwise, the property value is copied by reference.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ILcdDeepCloneable
      clone in class TLcdDataObject
      aObjectDictionary - the Object dictionary that keeps track of the objects for which a clone has already been made, and their corresponding clone Object.
      a deep clone of this object
    • getBounds

      public ILcdBounds getBounds()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdBounded
      Returns the ILcdBounds by which the geometry of this ILcdBounded object is bounded.

      If the geometry does not allow retrieving valid bounds (for example a polyline with 0 points) the return value is unspecified. It is highly recommended to return an undefined bounds. You can create undefined bounds using the default constructors of TLcdLonLatBounds or TLcdXYBounds.

      Specified by:
      getBounds in interface ILcdBounded
      getBounds in class TLcdGML2AbstractGeometry
      the ILcdBounds by which the geometry of this ILcdBounded object is bounded.
    • createDelegateShape

      protected ILcdEditableShapeList createDelegateShape()
    • invalidateObject

      public void invalidateObject()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdInvalidateable
      Invalidates all cached values of this object. Call this method whenever one or more of this object's compositing values has been changed, to notify this object it needs to recompute its cached values.
      Specified by:
      invalidateObject in interface ILcdInvalidateable
    • getGeometryMember

      public List<TLcdGML2GeometryAssociation> getGeometryMember()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the geometryMember element.
      the value of the GEOMETRY_MEMBER_PROPERTY property.