Uses of Interface

Packages that use ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
This package contains the core of Lucy: the back-end, which is the central point of Lucy where addons can add functionality to extend Lucy, and the default front-end.
Provides the addon that supports the APP6A military standard.
This package provides a new, highly configurable data format.
Provides the addon that supports the MS2525b military standard.
Provides the addon that offers printing support to Lucy.
Provides support facilities for adding a new data format to Lucy.
Provides support facilities for adding visualization in a Lightspeed view for data formats.
Contains classes to create user-interface components for displaying and modifying the properties of objects.
This package provides functionality to create customizer panel factories for instances of TLcdDataPropertyValueContext.
This package provides an entry point to create user interface components which allow the end-user to change various Lightspeed styles.
Provides supporting classes for asynchronous painting.