Class ALcyCustomizerPanelFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
TLcyEditableAPP6AObjectCustomizerPanelFactory, TLcyEditableMS2525bObjectCustomizerPanelFactory

public abstract class ALcyCustomizerPanelFactory extends Object implements ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory
Abstract implementation of ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory that uses a ILcdFilter to decide if this factory can be used for a given object.

When using an extension of ALcyCustomizerPanel as the actual customizer, the ILcdFilter instance can thus be shared between the factory and the panel itself, enforcing a consistent behavior.

  • Constructor Details

    • ALcyCustomizerPanelFactory

      public ALcyCustomizerPanelFactory(ILcdFilter aObjectFilter)
      Creates a new ALcyCustomizerPanelFactory. The accept method of the specified filter will receive the objects passed in canCreateCustomizerPanel.
      aObjectFilter - The filter used to decide if this factory accepts a certain object or not. This must not be null.
  • Method Details