Interface ILfnServiceFailureHandler

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ILfnDeleteTileHandler, ILfnExportHandler, ILfnGetTileHandler, ILfnImportHandler, ILfnPutTileHandler

public interface ILfnServiceFailureHandler extends ILfnFailureHandler
A base handler to handle service failures, in addition to those already defined by the superinterface. Asynchronous methods that may perform service requests require an asynchronous handler which is an extension of this interface.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • threw

      void threw(TLfnServiceException aException)
      Indicates a failure on the server. These failures may relate to an invalid request of the client or also an internal server error, see TLfnServiceException.getResponseCode().
      aException - the exception associated with the failure.