Interface ILfnExportHandler

All Superinterfaces:
ILfnFailureHandler, ILfnServiceFailureHandler

public interface ILfnExportHandler extends ILfnServiceFailureHandler
A handler for asynchronously exporting a coverage.

Unless canceled, there will always be a single interaction with the handler. Either exported() or one of the failure methods will be called, indicating that the associated request has been handled, has failed/been interrupted.

In addition, progress is provided via the progress(com.luciad.fusion.util.TLfnProgress) method.

  • Method Details

    • progress

      void progress(TLfnProgress aProgress)
      Indicates progress made by the export.
      aProgress - a recent snapshot of the progress
    • exported

      void exported()
      Indicates that the dump has successfully completed. In case of cancellation of the export, this will not be called.