Interface ILfnGetTileHandler

All Superinterfaces:
ILfnFailureHandler, ILfnServiceFailureHandler

public interface ILfnGetTileHandler extends ILfnServiceFailureHandler
A handler for asynchronous tile retrieval operations. One of the following methods will be called to indicate the end of the interaction:
  • transferred(): when the tile is present and successfully retrieved
  • notFound(): when the tile is not present
  • notModified(): when the tile is not modified
  • interrupted: when the request is interrupted
  • threw: when the request fails
  • cancelled: when the request is cancelled as a result of an explicit cancellation by the user

It is safe for the caller to close the associated channel once transferred() or notFound() has been received.

When the tile is not present, no data will have been streamed to the client.

On failure or interruption, data may have been streamed in the mean time, but the data should be discarded.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    found(long aContentLength, long aModificationTime)
    Indicates the requested tile is found.
    Indicates the requested tile is not found.
    Indicates the requested tile was not modified since the specified modification time.
    Indicates the requested tile is found and that the tile data has been completely streamed.

    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.ILfnFailureHandler

    cancelled, interrupted, threw, threw, threw

    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.ILfnServiceFailureHandler

  • Method Details

    • found

      void found(long aContentLength, long aModificationTime)
      Indicates the requested tile is found. It is guaranteed that this method will be called before the content will be streamed, hence before transferred() is called. When the requested tile is not found, notFound() will be called instead.
      aContentLength - a hint of the content length, possible -1 if unknown
      aModificationTime - the modification time in milliseconds since epoch, or -1 if unknown
    • transferred

      void transferred()
      Indicates the requested tile is found and that the tile data has been completely streamed.
    • notModified

      void notModified()
      Indicates the requested tile was not modified since the specified modification time.
    • notFound

      void notFound()
      Indicates the requested tile is not found. No data will have been streamed.