Interface ILfnFailureHandler

All Known Subinterfaces:
ILfnDeleteTileHandler, ILfnExportHandler, ILfnGetTileHandler, ILfnImportHandler, ILfnPutTileHandler, ILfnQueryHandler, ILfnServiceFailureHandler

public interface ILfnFailureHandler
A base handler to handle failures and interrupts which are common to all asynchronous operations. It is the asynchronous equivalent of a 'throws' clause of a synchronous method. All asynchronous methods require an asynchronous handler which is an extension of this interface.

Each of these methods indicates the end of the interaction with this handler.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • cancelled

      void cancelled(CancellationException aException)
      Indicates that the task has been cancelled. Cancellation of a task is typically done via a cancel() call on the Future of the task.
      aException - the associated cancellation exception
    • interrupted

      void interrupted(InterruptedException aException)
      Indicates that the request has been interrupted. Interruption is triggered by an explicit request, for instance to shut down.
      aException - the associated interrupted exception.
    • threw

      void threw(IOException aException)
      Indicates an I/O failure. These failures should be dealt with by the caller.
      aException - the associated I/O exception
    • threw

      void threw(RuntimeException aException)
      Indicates a runtime exception. These exceptions can typically not be dealt with by the caller.
      aException - the associated exception
    • threw

      void threw(Error aError)
      Indicates an internal error. These internal errors can typically not be dealt with by the caller.
      aError - the associated error