Class TLfnEngineFactory.RasterSessionBuilder

Enclosing class:

@Deprecated public class TLfnEngineFactory.RasterSessionBuilder extends Object
Sessions are not necessary anymore to create engines. See migration details. (since 2013.0)
A builder for raster sessions.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • tileStore

      Sets the Tile Store providing access to the target coverage.

      Neither the coverage nor any of the assets must exist.

      Must be set before a session can be built.

      aTileStore - the Tile Store
      this builder
    • setTileStore

      use tileStore(ALfnTileStore) instead (since 2013.0)
    • assets

      Sets the asset metadatas to be fused to the target coverage. There are three cases which can be identified:
      • New coverage: the coverage does not exist yet
      • Fusion is resumed: the existing coverage has exactly the same assets as the given list of assets
      • Fusion with additional detail: the existing coverage only has complete assets, and those match are all in the given list of assets

      Must be set before a session can be built.

      Note that the specified order of the assets is not relevant. By default raster asset parts are ordered by their the pixel density. To set a different fusion order, see TLfnRasterCoverageMetadata.Builder.preserveAssetOrder(boolean).

      aSourceAssetMetadatas - the list of asset metadata
      this builder
    • setSourceAssetMetadatas

      @Deprecated public TLfnEngineFactory.RasterSessionBuilder setSourceAssetMetadatas(List<TLfnRasterAssetMetadata> aSourceAssetMetadatas)
    • coverage

      public TLfnEngineFactory.RasterSessionBuilder coverage(TLfnRasterCoverageMetadata aTargetCoverageMetadata)
      Sets the metadata of the target coverage.

      Must be set before a session can be built.

      Some default settings can be retrieved from the fusion environment:

      aTargetCoverageMetadata - the target coverage metadata
      this builder
    • setTargetCoverageMetadata

      @Deprecated public TLfnEngineFactory.RasterSessionBuilder setTargetCoverageMetadata(TLfnRasterCoverageMetadata aTargetCoverageMetadata)
    • checkpointInterval

      public TLfnEngineFactory.RasterSessionBuilder checkpointInterval(long aCheckpointInterval)
      Sets the time (in milliseconds) between two checkpoints. The engine can be stopped at any time and resumed afterwards from the last checkpoint.

      The default value is 10 seconds.

      Special value -1 indicates that no checkpoints should be saved, not even when the engine session is cancelled.

      aCheckpointInterval - the checkpoint interval (in milliseconds), or -1 to disable checkpoints
      this builder
    • setCheckpointInterval

      @Deprecated public TLfnEngineFactory.RasterSessionBuilder setCheckpointInterval(long aCheckpointInterval)
    • setLevelsToProduce

      @Deprecated public TLfnEngineFactory.RasterSessionBuilder setLevelsToProduce(int[] aLevelsToProduce)
      This should be configured on the coverage metadata: use TLfnRasterCoverageMetadata.Builder.levelsToProduce(int[])
      Sets the levels in the coverage that must be produced from source data instead of created by combining data at a more detailed level. The default value is null, which means that combining data is always allowed, and only the most detailed levels will be produced.

      Producing more than just the most detailed level is useful in certain circumstances:

      • For multi-leveled input data, the asset contains different data at different levels. An example of this is a multi-leveled raster. When producing tiles only the most detailed level, only the most detailed level of the input data is used. By setting certain levels to produce, you can take advantage of the other levels of the input data as well.
      • Fusing vector data as raster is a typical case where you produce all levels. If not, icons rendered at a detailed level would become smaller in less detailed levels. The visual result would become a mess at very low-detailed levels. Producing all levels to produce avoids this.
      • All levels must be produced when using ALfnTileStore.CommitPolicy.PER_COVERAGE in combination with saving of checkpoints.
      Producing at lower-detailed levels holds a danger though: it may require all assets in view to be loaded. In case of hundreds of assets or more, this may become a scalability problem.

      Because the levels are typically unknown to the application developer, there is a convenience constant TLfnEngineFactory.ALL_LEVELS which selects all levels.

      aLevelsToProduce - the levels in the coverage that must be produced from source data, or null to always combine if possible
      this builder
    • assetPartOrder

      Sets the order of the asset parts, eliminating any existing asset part order. The order defines the visibility of the different asset parts in the target coverage. The comparator should work such that it returns:
      • a negative integer if the first asset part is below (less than) the second
      • a positive integer if the first asset part is above (more than) the second
      • zero if both asset parts have the same order (equal)

      Note that complete assets are always below the incomplete assets.

      By default, raster asset parts are ordered by their the pixel density. In order to compare the pixel densities, they are all transformed to the geographic reference of the target coverage. This involves transformation of bounding boxes, which is may be a crude approximation. As a result, the default ordering may yield unexpected results, especially when the pixel densities of the asset parts are very close to each other to begin with.

      The difference with this method and setAssetOrder(java.util.List<com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata.TLfnRasterAssetMetadata>) is that this one overwrites any existing order, while the latter superimposes a list order on top of any existing order.

      aComparator - the comparator that defines the order of the asset parts, or null to reset to the default (pixel density based) asset part order
      this builder
    • setAssetPartOrder

    • setAssetOrder

      Sets an asset (list) order, or clears the asset order when null. The asset order defines the visibility of the different assets in the target coverage. If present, the asset order takes precedence over the asset part order: assets with higher order are visible over those with lower order (according to the asset order). Within a single asset, asset parts with higher order are visible over those with lower order according to the asset part order. If no asset order has been defined, the asset part order alone defines visibility of all asset parts across all assets.

      The list order acts as a major order, while retaining the current asset part ordering as minor order. The first asset will be the lowest, the last will be the highest and always visible.

      aListOrder - an ordered list of assets, or null to clear the asset order
      this builder
      See Also:
    • setRasterSessionHandler

      @Deprecated public TLfnEngineFactory.RasterSessionBuilder setRasterSessionHandler(ILfnRasterSessionHandler aFailureHandler)
      Sets the handler for failures that occur during fusion.

      By default, no handler is used.

      aFailureHandler - the handler
      this builder
    • tileCombiningStrategy

      Sets the tile combining strategy for combining 4 tiles of level N into a single tile of level N - 1.

      The default tile combining strategy is AVERAGE. For coverage type IMAGE, it is the only supported strategy. The tile combining strategy MAXIMUM is only supported for coverage type ELEVATION.

      This feature can only be used with local engines. There is no equivalent configuration method on the coverage metadata builder.

      this builder
    • build

      Builds a raster session.
      a raster session
      IOException - if the source or target data cannot be accessed
      TLfnServiceException - if a failure happens on the remote Tile Store