Class TLfnRasterAssetMetadata

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLfnRasterAssetMetadata extends ALfnAssetMetadata
A representation of a raster asset. It has TLfnRasterAssetMetadata.RasterAssetParts as its asset parts. Instances of this class are immutable, thus thread-safe.

Simple raster data

Simple source data is data that can be modeled as a model with a single ALcdImage or ILcdRaster element. This covers the most common formats such as GeoTIFF, DTED, ECW ...
  • Initially, each image corresponds to a single asset with a single raster asset part.
  • You can manually group raster asset parts in a single asset, as long as they have a common geographic reference, clipping shape, type and supported coverage types.
  • An asset part can have a tile set structure, which means that its model element is an ILcdEarthTileSet. In that case, the fusion engine can fuse it more optimally in common circumstances.

Example: ECDIS data

  • Each ECDIS cell is modeled as a separate raster asset part, with its own bounds and pixel density.
  • The pixel density is derived from the navigational purpose scales of the source data.
  • Even though the class is TLfnRasterAssetMetadata, the type is ELfnDataType.VECTOR.

Example: NetCDF data

  • Each NetCDF variable is modeled as a separate asset part with a parameter corresponding to the variable.
  • There are some special cases such as U and V components of wind, which are modeled as an asset part with two parameters, one for each component.
  • Each raster asset part can define multiple dimensions, such as time of day and level in the atmosphere. The dimensions define all the possible values available in the source data.
  • The set of possible values is modeled by ILcdDimension.getValues(), but is assumed to be finite, which is virtually always the case. Infinite possible values are not supported.
See Also: