Interface ILfnRasterSessionHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILfnRasterSessionHandler

Handler for non-fatal errors that occur during a raster fusion session.

The handler receives calls with the error that occurred (any kind of exception) and the context in which it occurred (asset, tile).

The handler can choose to continue the session or abort. See also ALfnCoverageMetadata.isIgnoreNonFatalFailures() to specify such behavior.

Note that implementations must be thread-safe.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • handleFailure

      boolean handleFailure(ILfnRasterSessionHandler.FailureContext aContext, Exception aError)
      Notifies the handler of a failure and determines whether to abort or continue the session. When continuing the session, the tile will be retried and the offending asset will be ignored.

      Note that the fusion process may continue for a while, even if you return false. It is better to use ALfnCoverageMetadata.isIgnoreNonFatalFailures() to enforce immediate abort.

      aContext - the context where the failure occurred, never null
      aError - the error causing the failure
      true to ignore the failure and continue the session, false to abort the fusion session.