Interface ILcdTileDecoder

All Known Implementing Classes:
ALcdTileDecoder, TLcdBCITileDecoder, TLcdBILTileDecoder, TLcdBMPImageDecoder, TLcdCADRGImageDecoder, TLcdDEMTileDecoder, TLcdDMEDTileDecoder, TLcdDTEDTileDecoder, TLcdGeoTIFFImageDecoder, TLcdGIFImageDecoder, TLcdGRIBTileDecoder, TLcdImageDecoder, TLcdJPEG2000ImageDecoder, TLcdMrSIDImageDecoder, TLcdNITFUncompressedImageDecoder, TLcdPNMImageDecoder, TLcdPPMImageDecoder, TLcdShadedTileDecoder, TLcdTIFFImageDecoder, TLcdTileDecoder

public interface ILcdTileDecoder
This interface contains methods to decode a sub-tile from a whole tile (image) contained in a file or URL.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    readTile(String aFileName, int aImageIndex, int aSubTileWidth, int aSubTileHeight, int aSubTileRowIndex, int aSubTileColumnIndex, ILcdBuffer aBuffer)
    Reads a sub-tile from a file.
    readTile(URL aURL, int aImageIndex, int aSubTileWidth, int aSubTileHeight, int aSubTileRowIndex, int aSubTileColumnIndex, ILcdBuffer aBuffer)
    Reads a sub-tile from a URL.
  • Method Details

    • readTile

      ILcdTileInfo readTile(String aFileName, int aImageIndex, int aSubTileWidth, int aSubTileHeight, int aSubTileRowIndex, int aSubTileColumnIndex, ILcdBuffer aBuffer) throws TLcdCodecException
      Reads a sub-tile from a file.
      aFileName - the name of the file containing the tile.
      aImageIndex - the index of the tile in the given file (if applicable).
      aSubTileWidth - the width of the sub-tiles, expressed in pixels.
      aSubTileHeight - the height of the sub-tiles, expressed in pixels.
      aSubTileRowIndex - the row number of the sub-tile to be decoded.
      aSubTileColumnIndex - the column number of the sub-tile to be decoded.
      aBuffer - the buffer in which the decoded bytes will be stored.
      ILcdTileInfo information about the decoded tile.
      TLcdCodecException - in case of decoding problems.
    • readTile

      ILcdTileInfo readTile(URL aURL, int aImageIndex, int aSubTileWidth, int aSubTileHeight, int aSubTileRowIndex, int aSubTileColumnIndex, ILcdBuffer aBuffer) throws TLcdCodecException
      Reads a sub-tile from a URL.
      aURL - the URL containing the tile.
      aImageIndex - the index of the tile in the given URL (if applicable).
      aSubTileWidth - the width of the sub-tiles, expressed in pixels.
      aSubTileHeight - the height of the sub-tiles, expressed in pixels.
      aSubTileRowIndex - the row number of the sub-tile to be decoded.
      aSubTileColumnIndex - the column number of the sub-tile to be decoded.
      aBuffer - the buffer in which the decoded bytes will be stored.
      ILcdTileInfo information about the decoded tile.
      TLcdCodecException - in case of decoding problems.