Interface ILcdTileInfo

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdTileInfo
This interface provides information about an ILcdTile: size, type, color model, and data. It also has a URL if a URL connection has been created to read the tile.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The offset is always 0.
    Returns the buffer segment that contains the actual data of the tile.
    Returns the optional color model of the tile.
    Returns the height of the tile, expressed in pixels.
    Returns the pixel size of the tile values, expressed in bits.
    Returns the internal storage type of the tile values.
    Returns the width of the tile, expressed in pixels.
    Returns whether all values in the tile are equal to a default value.
    setAllDefault(boolean aAllDefault)
    Sets whether all values in the tile are equal to a default value.
    setURL(URL aURL)
    Sets the URL that was used to read the tile.
  • Method Details

    • getWidth

      int getWidth()
      Returns the width of the tile, expressed in pixels.
    • getHeight

      int getHeight()
      Returns the height of the tile, expressed in pixels.
    • getType

      int getType()
      Returns the internal storage type of the tile values.
      one of ILcdTile.BYTE, ILcdTile.SHORT, or ILcdTile.INT.
    • getPixelSize

      int getPixelSize()
      Returns the pixel size of the tile values, expressed in bits.
    • getBitOffset

      int getBitOffset()
      The offset is always 0.
      Returns the offset of the first pixel in every tile row, expressed in bits.
    • getColorModel

      ColorModel getColorModel()
      Returns the optional color model of the tile.
      the color model, or null if the raster doesn't have an explicit color model.
    • isAllDefault

      boolean isAllDefault()
      Returns whether all values in the tile are equal to a default value.
    • setAllDefault

      void setAllDefault(boolean aAllDefault)
      Sets whether all values in the tile are equal to a default value.
    • getURL

      URL getURL()
    • setURL

      void setURL(URL aURL)
      Sets the URL that was used to read the tile.
    • getBufferSegment

      ILcdBufferSegment getBufferSegment()
      Returns the buffer segment that contains the actual data of the tile.