Class TLcdBILTileDecoder

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdTileDecoder, ILcdInputStreamFactoryCapable

public class TLcdBILTileDecoder extends ALcdTileDecoder implements ILcdTileDecoder
This ILcdTileDecoder decodes BIL (Band Interleaved by Line) tiles.

This class is thread-safe.

The current implementation supports 8-bits and 16-bits monochrome data, and 8-bits RGB data.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdBILTileDecoder

      public TLcdBILTileDecoder(int aWidth, int aHeight, int aBandCount, int aBitCount, boolean aLittleEndian, int aSkipBytes, int aBandRowBytes, ColorModel aColorModel)
      Creates a new TLcdBILTileDecoder.
      aWidth - the tile width.
      aHeight - the tile height.
      aBandCount - the number of bands in the tile.
      aBitCount - the number of bits in each band.
      aLittleEndian - a flag that indicates if the byte order is little endian or big endian.
      aSkipBytes - the number of bytes to skip before starting to read a tile.
      aBandRowBytes - the number of bytes in the scanline of a single band.
      aColorModel - the color model of the decoded tiles.
  • Method Details

    • readTileFromStream

      protected ILcdTileInfo readTileFromStream(InputStream aInputStream, int aImageIndex, int aSubTileWidth, int aSubTileHeight, int aRowIndex, int aColumnIndex, ILcdBuffer aBuffer) throws TLcdCodecException
      Description copied from class: ALcdTileDecoder
      Reads a sub-tile from an input stream.
      Specified by:
      readTileFromStream in class ALcdTileDecoder
      aInputStream - the input stream from which the tile data can be read.
      aImageIndex - the index of the tile in the given input stream (if applicable).
      aSubTileWidth - the width of the sub-tiles, expressed in pixels.
      aSubTileHeight - the height of the sub-tiles, expressed in pixels.
      aRowIndex - the row number of the sub-tile to be decoded.
      aColumnIndex - the column number of the sub-tile to be decoded.
      aBuffer - the buffer in which the decoded bytes will be stored.
      ILcdTileInfo information about the decoded tile.
      TLcdCodecException - in case of decoding problems.