Class TLcdPNMImageDecoder

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdTileDecoder, ILcdInputStreamFactoryCapable

public class TLcdPNMImageDecoder extends ALcdTileDecoder implements ILcdTileDecoder
This class is an ILcdTileDecoder for PNM (Portable aNyMap) images, being PBM (Portable BitMap), PGM (Portable GrayMap), and PPM (Portable PixMap).

This class is thread-safe.

Note: the current implementation doesn't support PBM yet, nor the plain ASCII formats of PGM and PPM.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdPNMImageDecoder

      public TLcdPNMImageDecoder()
  • Method Details

    • readTileFromStream

      protected ILcdTileInfo readTileFromStream(InputStream aInputStream, int aImageIndex, int aSubTileWidth, int aSubTileHeight, int aRowIndex, int aColumnIndex, ILcdBuffer aBuffer) throws TLcdCodecException
      Description copied from class: ALcdTileDecoder
      Reads a sub-tile from an input stream.
      Specified by:
      readTileFromStream in class ALcdTileDecoder
      aInputStream - the input stream from which the tile data can be read.
      aImageIndex - the index of the tile in the given input stream (if applicable).
      aSubTileWidth - the width of the sub-tiles, expressed in pixels.
      aSubTileHeight - the height of the sub-tiles, expressed in pixels.
      aRowIndex - the row number of the sub-tile to be decoded.
      aColumnIndex - the column number of the sub-tile to be decoded.
      aBuffer - the buffer in which the decoded bytes will be stored.
      ILcdTileInfo information about the decoded tile.
      TLcdCodecException - in case of decoding problems.