Interface ILcd3DPrimitive

public interface ILcd3DPrimitive
An interface for a 3D primitive contained in an ILcd3DMesh. A primitive can be a point, a line, a triangle, or any of the other types defined in TLcd3DPrimitiveType. A primitive consists of indices into the vertex pools (positions, normals, colors and texture coordinates) of the containing ILcd3DMesh.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getPrimitiveType

      TLcd3DPrimitiveType getPrimitiveType()
      Returns this primitive's type.
      this primitive's type
    • getElementCount

      int getElementCount()
      Returns the number of elements contained in this primitive.
      the number of elements contained in this primitive
    • getElement

      ILcd3DPrimitiveElement getElement(int aIndex)
      Returns the element at the specified index.
      aIndex - the index of the requested element
      the element at the specified index