Uses of Class

Packages that use TLcdGML32AbstractGML
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 data types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to common AIXM 5.1 airportheliport types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 airportheliport types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 airportheliport lighting types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 airportheliport marking types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 airportheliport contamination types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 airspace types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 geometry types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 holding types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 navaid types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 pointreference types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 obstacle types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 procedure types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 procedure types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 flightrestriction types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 service types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 schedule types.
This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 surveillance types.
Provides domain model classes and utility classes for modeling GML 3.2 data.
This package implements the UML conceptual schema defined in ISO19139:2007, in paragraph,
This package implements the UML conceptual schema defined in ISO19139:2007, in paragraph
This package implements the UML conceptual schema defined in ISO19139:2007, paragraph