Package com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids

package com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids

This package provides the classes that correspond to AIXM 5.1 navaid types.

  • Classes
    An abstract class that represents a navaid equipment.
    An abstract class that represents a navigation system checkpoint.
    Provides details about the level of responsibility of an OrganisationAuthority for a Navaid Equipment.
    Provides details about the level of responsibility of an OrganisationAuthority for a Special Navigation System Station.
    Provides details about the level of responsibility of an OrganisationAuthority for a Special Navigation System.
    A component of an MLS consisting of an SHF transmitter and associated equipment, radiating signals in a volume of airspace served by the MLS, thereby furnishing azimuth indications to aircraft approaching the runway or back azimuth indications to aircraft departing from the runway or performing a missed approach procedure.
    A point established to test the Inertial Navigation System in the aircraft.
    A VOR test transmits a test signal used to determine the accuracy of a VOR receiver on the ground or airborne.
    An electronic device used to determine the position of a radio source by means of directional antennas, which receives the strongest radio signal when it is pointing directly at the transmitter.
    Ultra High Frequency (UHF) ground equipment that is used in conjunction with airborne equipment to determine distance between the airborne and ground equipment.
    A component of an MLS consisting of an SHF transmitter, and associated equipment radiating signals within a volume of airspace served by the MLS, thereby furnishing elevation information as an angular value to aircraft approaching the runway.
    A component of an ILS consisting of a UHF transmitter radiating signals and providing a straight line descent path in the vertical plane containing the centre line of the runway served by the ILS, and thereby furnishing descent information down to the lowest authorized decision height or to the surface of a runway, depending on the Facility Performance Category of the ILS.
    A component of an ILS consisting of a VHF transmitter, radiating signals in the direction served by the ILS, to provide a straight line descent path in the vertical plane containing the centre line of the runway.
    A marker beacon serving to identify a particular location in space by means of a 75MHz transmitter which transmits a directional signal to be received by aircraft flying overhead.
    Indicates navigation use of a NavaidEquipment as a component of the navigation service provided by a Navaid.
    Navaid equipment monitoring information.
    Navaid operational status information.
    A service providing guidance information or position data for the efficient and safe operation of aircraft supported by one or more radio navigation aids.
    A Non-directional radio beacon.
    Simplified Directional Facility (SDF) provides a final approach course similar to that of the ILS localizer although is not as precise as Localizer.
    Special Navigation Station Status information.
    A land based station of a special navigation system.
    A wide area (worldwide) navigation system based on a chain of land stations or a satellite constellation providing radio frequency signals which can be used by airborne equipment to determine at least, the aircrafts two-dimensional position or, depending on the capability of the system, the three-dimensional position.
    A UHF Tactical Air Navigation beacon.
    A VHF omnidirectional radio range beacon.