Class TLcdGML32ConventionalUnit

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TLcdGML32ConventionalUnit extends TLcdGML32UnitDefinition
Conventional units that are neither base units nor defined by direct combination of base units are used in many application domains. For example electronVolt for energy, feet and nautical miles for length. In most cases there is a known, usually linear, conversion to a preferred unit which is either a base unit or derived by direct combination of base units. The gml:ConventionalUnit extends gml:UnitDefinition with a property that describes a conversion to a preferred unit for this physical quantity. When the conversion is exact, the element gml:conversionToPreferredUnit should be used, or when the conversion is not exact the element gml:roughConversionToPreferredUnit is available. Both of these elements have the same content model. The gml:derivationUnitTerm property defined above is included to allow a user to optionally record how this unit may be derived from other ("more primitive") units.
  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdDataProperty CONVERSION_TO_PREFERRED_UNIT_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the conversionToPreferredUnit element. The possible values for this property are instances of TLcdGML32ConversionToPreferredUnit.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty ROUGH_CONVERSION_TO_PREFERRED_UNIT_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the roughConversionToPreferredUnit element. The possible values for this property are instances of TLcdGML32ConversionToPreferredUnit.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty DERIVATION_UNIT_TERM_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the derivationUnitTerm element. The possible values for this property are instances of List<TLcdGML32DerivationUnitTerm>.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGML32ConventionalUnit

      public TLcdGML32ConventionalUnit()
    • TLcdGML32ConventionalUnit

      public TLcdGML32ConventionalUnit(TLcdDataType aType)
  • Method Details

    • getConversionToPreferredUnit

      public TLcdGML32ConversionToPreferredUnit getConversionToPreferredUnit()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the conversionToPreferredUnit element.

      The elements gml:conversionToPreferredUnit and gml:roughConversionToPreferredUnit represent parameters used to convert conventional units to preferred units for this physical quantity type. A preferred unit is either a Base Unit or a Derived Unit that is selected for all values of one physical quantity type.

      the value of the CONVERSION_TO_PREFERRED_UNIT_PROPERTY property.
    • setConversionToPreferredUnit

      public void setConversionToPreferredUnit(TLcdGML32ConversionToPreferredUnit aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the conversionToPreferredUnit element.

      The elements gml:conversionToPreferredUnit and gml:roughConversionToPreferredUnit represent parameters used to convert conventional units to preferred units for this physical quantity type. A preferred unit is either a Base Unit or a Derived Unit that is selected for all values of one physical quantity type.

      aValue - the value to set for the CONVERSION_TO_PREFERRED_UNIT_PROPERTY property.
    • getRoughConversionToPreferredUnit

      public TLcdGML32ConversionToPreferredUnit getRoughConversionToPreferredUnit()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the roughConversionToPreferredUnit element.

      The elements gml:conversionToPreferredUnit and gml:roughConversionToPreferredUnit represent parameters used to convert conventional units to preferred units for this physical quantity type. A preferred unit is either a Base Unit or a Derived Unit that is selected for all values of one physical quantity type.

      the value of the ROUGH_CONVERSION_TO_PREFERRED_UNIT_PROPERTY property.
    • setRoughConversionToPreferredUnit

      public void setRoughConversionToPreferredUnit(TLcdGML32ConversionToPreferredUnit aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the roughConversionToPreferredUnit element.

      The elements gml:conversionToPreferredUnit and gml:roughConversionToPreferredUnit represent parameters used to convert conventional units to preferred units for this physical quantity type. A preferred unit is either a Base Unit or a Derived Unit that is selected for all values of one physical quantity type.

      aValue - the value to set for the ROUGH_CONVERSION_TO_PREFERRED_UNIT_PROPERTY property.
    • getDerivationUnitTerm

      public List<TLcdGML32DerivationUnitTerm> getDerivationUnitTerm()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the derivationUnitTerm element.

      A set of gml:derivationUnitTerm elements describes a derived unit of measure. Each element carries an integer exponent. The terms are combined by raising each referenced unit to the power of its exponent and forming the product. This unit term references another unit of measure (uom) and provides an integer exponent applied to that unit in defining the compound unit. The exponent may be positive or negative, but not zero.

      the value of the DERIVATION_UNIT_TERM_PROPERTY property.