Creates a new coded military symbol with the given code and text properties. All applicable modifiers will be exposed as modifiable properties of the MilitarySymbol. The code is a read-only property. The type of the MilitarySymbol cannot be changed anymore, but you can create a clone with a different type by calling the copyAndChangeCode method.
The symbology the symbol belongs to.
The (configured) symbol code. Can already contain modified code modifiers.
textModifiers: anyAny (optional) modifiers. Object literal mapping the text modifier name to the value.
The configured symbol code.
Returns a map linking the text modifier names to the text modifier values.
Creates a new military symbol based on the given code. Modifiers of the current symbol are retained if they are still applicable and not overridden by the given code.
For example, applying this function to an existing MIL_STD_2525b space track with code
by passing the code
will return a new MIL_STD_2525b air track with code
representing the new symbol type
a new military symbol of the given type, with the same modifiers as the current symbol (if not overridden)
Returns the possible values for a given modifier, or null if the possible values cannot be enumerated. As an example, the possible values for the modifier "affiliation" could be "Neutral" and "Friendly".
the modifier for which to return the possible values. One of the properties defined in this symbol.
the possible values for the given modifier
Allows retrieving and manipulating modifiers of a military symbol, without having to worry whether the properties are encoded in the symbol code or in textual modifiers.
The modifiers of a military symbol are partly encoded in its symbol code (e.g. the MIL-STD 2525b symbology encodes the affiliation in the second digit of the symbol code) and partly encoded as additional metadata called text modifiers (usually a key-value map). This class exposes all these modifiers as enumerable, modifiable JavaScript properties. It does not represent a Feature or domain object, and does not cover the geometry. To generate a Shape that corresponds to a military symbol, please use the SymbologyNode.createTemplates method.Example usages
Query and configure a symbol
Change a modifier of an existing object
Available modifiers
Depending on the used symbol, a different set of modifiers is exposed as a properties of the MilitarySymbol object. There is a difference between modifiers that get encoded in the symbol code (SIDC) and modifiers that get encoded as text (TEXT). For a full overview of all modifiers for all symbologies, have a look at the article overview of military symbol modifiers.