Interface ILspWorldElevationStyle

All Known Implementing Classes:
ALspDensityStyle, ALspSoftDensityStyle, TLsp3DIconStyle, TLspAPP6ASymbolStyle, TLspComplexStrokedLineStyle, TLspDensityFillStyle, TLspDensityLineStyle, TLspDensityPointStyle, TLspFillStyle, TLspIconStyle, TLspImageProjectionStyle, TLspLineStyle, TLspLOSCoverageStyle, TLspMS2525bSymbolStyle, TLspParameterizedFillStyle, TLspParameterizedIconStyle, TLspParameterizedLineStyle, TLspPinLineStyle, TLspPlotStyle, TLspPlotStyle, TLspRasterStyle, TLspStrokedLineStyle, TLspTextStyle, TLspWorldSizedLineStyle

public interface ILspWorldElevationStyle
Interface for styles that paint objects in world coordinates at a specific elevation. This allows the style to specify how the elevation of an object is to be interpreted when painting the object in a view. This is mostly relevant when paining objects in a 3D projection. (e.g. geocentric or grid).