Class ALspSoftDensityStyle

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILspWorldElevationStyle, ILspStyler
Direct Known Subclasses:
TLspDensityLineStyle, TLspDensityPointStyle

public abstract class ALspSoftDensityStyle extends ALspDensityStyle
An ALspDensityStyle which allows variable width (in pixels or world reference size) and hardness. Consult the class javadoc of ALspDensityStyle for more information.
  • Method Details

    • getHardness

      public double getHardness()

      Hardness of the density style. This is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 which measures the blurriness of the painted density plot, from very blurred (0.0) to completely sharp (1.0).

      Consult the class javadoc of ALspDensityStyle for more information.

      the hardness of this ALspDensityStyle
    • getWidth

      public double getWidth()

      Returns the width of the density plot.

      Consult the class javadoc of ALspDensityStyle for more information.

      the width of the density plot
    • isWorldSize

      public boolean isWorldSize()

      Returns whether the width of the density plot is in world length units or in pixel size.

      Consult the class javadoc of ALspDensityStyle for more information.

      whether the width of the density plot is in world length units or in pixel size
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class ALspDensityStyle
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class ALspDensityStyle