Package com.luciad.lucy.gui.customizer

package com.luciad.lucy.gui.customizer

Contains classes to create user-interface components for displaying and modifying the properties of objects.

The central class in this package is the ILcyCustomizerPanel interface. It are the implementations of this interface that represent the user-interface components.

Concrete instances are retrieved from an ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory. There is one such factory available in the Lucy back-end, that implements the Composite design pattern. It is in this composite factory that addons should add their own ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory implementation.

This package contains several abstract classes that can facilitate the implementation of an ILcyCustomizerPanel.

This functionality is used by, amongst others, the TLcySelectionEditorAddOn to display and modify the properties of selected domain objects, and the TLcyMapAddOn to display and modify the properties of layers.

Please refer to the Lucy developer guide for more information on implementing and using ILcyCustomizerPanels.
