Class TLcdISO19118Property<T extends ILcdDataObject>

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable

public class TLcdISO19118Property<T extends ILcdDataObject> extends TLcdISO19118ObjectReference<T>

This class represents the property type concept. A property is defined as a link from one object to another. This link can be implemented by Value using an embedded object (see getEmbeddedObject()), or by Reference through an xlink (see TLcdISO19118ObjectReference.getLinkedObject().

The names of the XML schema types that are mapped on this class typically end with PropertyType.

This class is typically used as a UML association class. This means that it implements an association between two other classes. The object property EMBEDDED_OBJECT_PROPERTY is the role property of this association. In the large majority of cases, only the value of the role property is used by applications. In those cases, the association class can be considered to be a mere wrapper. Because of this, the API of the domain objects was made such that these association classes are not visible in the API. The getters and setters for properties of which the type is an association class directly expose the role property. Wrapping and unwrapping is done automatically by the implementation. Only when the application uses the generic ILcdDataObject API to access the domain objects, these association classes become visible.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdISO19118Property

      public TLcdISO19118Property(TLcdDataType aType)
  • Method Details

    • getEmbeddedObject

      public T getEmbeddedObject()
      Gets the object that is directly linked to this object. In the XML representation this link is presented through direct embedding.
      the linked object.
    • setEmbeddedObject

      public void setEmbeddedObject(T aValue)
      Sets the embedded object.
      aValue - the embedded object to be set.
    • getObject

      public T getObject()
      Returns the object to which this link points. If the embedded object is empty, the linked object is returned.
      the object to which this link points