Class TLcdAssociationClassAnnotation

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdAssociationClassAnnotation extends Object implements ILcdAnnotation

ILcdAnnotation that indicates that the annotated type models an association class. An association class is used to model an association that has interesting characteristics of its own outside of the classes it connects. The role property of the association class is the property that gives access to the object with which the source object is associated.

This annotation is typically used to show (for instance in a UI or in a model) a simplified representation of the model where the association class is left out and the source class seems to directly connect to the target class.

For example, consider a model containing a Person type and an Address type. Between Person and Address there is an association that indicates where the person lives. If the model needs to keep track of when a person lives at a certain Address, then the association can be turned into an association class by giving it a date range property to indicate when it was applicable.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdAssociationClassAnnotation

      public TLcdAssociationClassAnnotation(TLcdDataProperty aProperty)
      Creates a new annotation with the given role property.
      aProperty - the role property
  • Method Details

    • getRoleProperty

      public TLcdDataProperty getRoleProperty()
      Returns the role property for this association.
      the role property for this association