Class ComplexStrokeLineStyle

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ComplexStrokeLineStyle extends Object implements AutoCloseable
A style that can be used to stroke the outline of a shape with complex patterns.

See the step-by-step guide to complex strokes for more information.

A complex stroke line style can be used instead of a LineStyle in the GeometryDrawCommand#stroke method.

It is composed of a series of patterns, which are repeated along the line as a regular and fallback pattern, or which are positioned once at a specific location as decorations.

  • decorations: patterns that are painted once at a specific position along the line. For example, an arrow at the start or end of a line or some text in the middle of the line.
  • regular: a pattern that is repeated infinitely along the line. For example, a dash or wave pattern.
  • fallback: a pattern that is drawn if there is not enough room to draw decorations or the regular pattern. This pattern is usually kept as simple as possible, for example a simple parallel line or a simple dash pattern.

Complex strokes on 3D lines

In 3D, non-draped complex stroke lines are painted using an area that either faces the camera, or that is positioned parallel to the earth surface. By default, it faces the camera. This works well for simple and narrow strokes, but for more complex patterns, this may introduces some unwanted effects, such as:

  • Your pattern is squeezed or stretched along the line.
  • Your line width is smaller or wider than usual.
This can be improved by modifying the orientation of the complex stroked line to be parallel with the earth surface.