Class ComplexStrokeLineStyle.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static final class ComplexStrokeLineStyle.Builder extends Object implements AutoCloseable
A builder to create ComplexStrokeLineStyle objects.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • finalize

      protected void finalize()
      finalize in class Object
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • build

      @NotNull public ComplexStrokeLineStyle build() throws IllegalStateException
      Build the ComplexStrokeLineStyle as configured.

      At least one of fallback, regular or addDecoration must be called. If none of these are called, a logic exception is thrown.

      the ComplexStrokeLineStyle.
      IllegalStateException - when neither a regular or a fallback pattern has been set and no decorations have been added.
    • fallback

      @NotNull public ComplexStrokeLineStyle.Builder fallback(@NotNull ComplexStrokePattern pattern)
      The pattern that is painted if no decoration or regular pattern can be painted.

      This can happen if a line is too curved, or if there is not enough space to paint the regular pattern.

      Some patterns influence whether the fallback pattern is painted or not, and where it is painted. For more information, see the combineWithFallback and combineWithRegular patterns.

      Note that the fallback pattern can be cut off, e.g. when reaching the end of the line, instead of being omitted. This means that a base pattern can be partially drawn.

      this builder.
    • regular

      @NotNull public ComplexStrokeLineStyle.Builder regular(@NotNull ComplexStrokePattern pattern)
      The pattern that is repeated along the line.

      A regular pattern is painted where no decoration is painted, because decorations have priority over the regular pattern.

      If there is not enough space to place the regular pattern, the fallback pattern is painted.

      Some patterns influence whether the regular pattern is painted or not, and where it is painted. For more information, see the combineWithRegular pattern wrapper.

      Note that, unlike the fallback stroke, (patterns part of) the regular pattern will not be cut off. That is, each base pattern will always be fully painted or not at all. This is different from the atomic pattern which is about a composite pattern being painted together or not at all.

      this builder.
    • addDecoration

      @NotNull public ComplexStrokeLineStyle.Builder addDecoration(@NotNull ComplexStrokePattern pattern, double relativePosition, @NotNull HorizontalAlignment alignment) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Add a decoration to be painted along the line.

      A decoration is a pattern.

      This method can be called multiple times to add multiple decorations. If this method isn't called, no decorations are added.

      pattern - the decoration to be added.
      relativePosition - the relative position of the decoration on the line, where 0.0 is the start and 1.0 is the end of the entire line.
      alignment - determines how the pattern is aligned to its location. If you use HorizontalAlignment#Center, the middle of the pattern will coincide with the specified location. If you use HorizontalAlignment#Right, the right of the pattern will coincide with the specified location. This means that it will appear at the left of the location.
      this builder.
      IllegalArgumentException - relativePosition must be in range [0,1].
    • addDecoration

      @NotNull public ComplexStrokeLineStyle.Builder addDecoration(@NotNull ComplexStrokePattern pattern, double relativePosition) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Add a decoration to be painted along the line.

      A decoration is a pattern.

      This method can be called multiple times to add multiple decorations. If this method isn't called, no decorations are added.

      The alignment is automatically determined based on relativePosition. Left if the position is 0.0, Right if the location is 1.0, and Center if otherwise.

      pattern - the decoration to be added.
      relativePosition - the relative position of the decoration on the line, where 0.0 is the start and 1.0 is the end of the entire line.
      this builder.
      IllegalArgumentException - relativePosition must be in range [0,1].
    • sharpAngleThreshold

      @NotNull public ComplexStrokeLineStyle.Builder sharpAngleThreshold(double sharpAngleThreshold) throws IllegalArgumentException
      The threshold that is used to determine if angles are sharp or not.

      It is interpreted as an angle in degrees between two line segments. In the context of complex stroking, sharp corners are handled differently than non-sharp corners.

      In general, a non-sharp corner is handled as if there were no corner at all. This means that any stroke can just be painted along the corner. As a side-effect, strokes may be deformed. This deformation is small for corners that are close to 180 degrees wide, meaning for line segments that are almost parallel. The deformation can become quite large for sharper corners though, so take care when you adjust this value.

      On the other hand, when a corner is considered sharp, strokes will not be deformed, but they may be dropped instead.

      This setting is useful when complex strokes use a uniform shape and color, for example. When you are painting an airspace border using a rectangular stroke along the length of the line, you can set the threshold to 0, for instance.

      The value should always be in the [0, 180] degrees range. The default value is 155 degrees.

      sharpAngleThreshold - the sharpAngleThreshold.
      this builder.
      IllegalArgumentException - sharpAngleThreshold must be in range [0,180].
    • orientation

      @NotNull public ComplexStrokeLineStyle.Builder orientation(@NotNull ComplexStrokeOrientation orientation)
      The orientation of the area that is used to render the complex stroke on for 3D lines.

      See ComplexStrokeLineStyle for more information.

      The default, the complex stroke faces the camera for 3D lines.

      orientation - the orientation
      this builder