Interface IPointEditAction

public interface IPointEditAction
Abstraction of an action that is executed based on a Point.

Examples of this action are:

This class is used by PointEditHandle.

  • Method Details

    • execute

      void execute(@NotNull Point location, @NotNull ChangeStatus changeStatus)
      Performs the action.
      location - the Point location that is used to perform the action
      changeStatus - the status of the action. Can be used to distinguish between intermediate changes and a finished change.
    • execute

      void execute(@NotNull Point location, @NotNull EventStatus eventStatus, @NotNull ChangeStatus changeStatus)
      Performs the part of the action that corresponds to the given EventStatus.
      location - the Point location that is used to perform the action
      eventStatus - Used to indicate that an action has started, is in progress, or has ended. This can for example be used by edit handles that apply the action on drag events. It is guaranteed that a sequence of calls to this method will contain at least 1 Start, and 1 End call.
      changeStatus - the status of the action. Can be used to distinguish between intermediate changes and a finished change.